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You have won a United Healthcare - Medicare Kit Sweeps

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Last Minute Giveaway)
Mon Dec 9 02:46:12 2024

Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2024 08:46:10 +0100
From: "Last Minute Giveaway" <Congratulations@maxboost.ru.com>
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You have won a United Healthcare - Medicare Kit Sweeps



und. Modern rock climbers use mechanical protection devices placed along the route, into which the 'lead climber' clips the rope as they ascend; if they fall, the 'belayer' will lock the rope, and the 'lead climber' will fall until they hang from the last 'protection device' that they had clipped the rope into. This protection can be removable (which is called traditional climbing), or permanently fixed into the rock (which is called sport climbing).

If the 'lead climber' falls, the 'belayer' will immediately lock the rope using their belay device, and the 'lead climber' will fall twice the distance that they are above their last piece of climbing protection. If this piece of climbing protection fails — a risk of traditional climbing — and rips away from the rock, they will keep falling until their next piece of protection holds the rope (a zipper fall is where several pieces fail). On some routes, the opportunities for placing protection are poor so the 'lead climber' is forced to leave large gaps between protection points — called a runout — so that any fall will be large (called a whipper). The wide variety of types of rock climbing offers safer ways for beginners to access the sport before learning to lead climb, including top roping and bouldering.

Finally, while rock climbing mostly involves ascending a route, climbers might also need to be able to descend a route — either in retreat (e.g. self-rescue climbing) or because they have completed it and there is no other way down. This requires the technique of abseiling (or rappelling in North America), where climbers use abseil devices to move down a fixed rope that has been anchored to a point at the top of the rou

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<div style="color:#FFFFFF;font-size:8px;visibility:hidden;">und. Modern rock climbers use mechanical protection devices placed along the route, into which the &#39;lead climber&#39; clips the rope as they ascend; if they fall, the &#39;belayer&#39; will lock the rope, and the &#39;lead climber&#39; will fall until they hang from the last &#39;protection device&#39; that they had clipped the rope into. This protection can be removable (which is called traditional climbing), or permanently fixed into the rock (which is called sport climbing). If the &#39;lead climber&#39; falls, the &#39;belayer&#39; will immediately lock the rope using their belay device, and the &#39;lead climber&#39; will fall twice the distance that they are above their last piece of climbing protection. If this piece of climbing protection fails &mdash; a risk of traditional climbing &mdash; and rips away from the rock, they will keep falling until their next piece of protection holds the rope (a zipper fall is where several pieces fail). On some routes, the opportunities for placing protection are poor so the &#39;lead climber&#39; is forced to leave large gaps between protection points &mdash; called a runout &mdash; so that any fall will be large (called a whipper). The wide variety of types of rock climbing offers safer ways for beginners to access the sport before learning to lead climb, including top roping and bouldering. Finally, while rock climbing mostly involves ascending a route, climbers might also need to be able to descend a route &mdash; either in retreat (e.g. self-rescue climbing) or because they have completed it and there is no other way down. This requires the technique of abseiling (or rappelling in North America), where climbers use abseil devices to move down a fixed rope that has been anchored to a point at the top of the rou</div>
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