[47079] in linux-announce channel archive
Protect Yourself from Freezing Temperatures
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Stay Ready Stay Safe)
Sat Dec 7 03:15:09 2024
Date: Sat, 7 Dec 2024 09:15:09 +0100
From: "Stay Ready Stay Safe" <LifeSavingEssentials@indigensg.click>
Reply-To: "Life Saving Essentials" <StayReadyStaySafe@indigensg.click>
To: <linuxch-announce.discuss@charon.mit.edu>
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Protect Yourself from Freezing Temperatures
stal section of Southeast Africa, a mixed Bantu community developed through contact with Muslim Arab and Persian traders, leading to the development of the mixed Arab, Persian and African Swahili City States. The Swahili culture that emerged from these exchanges evinces many Arab and Islamic influences not seen in traditional Bantu culture, as do the many Afro-Arab members of the Bantu Swahili people. With its original speech community centered on the coastal parts of Tanzania (particularly Zanzibar) and Kenya – a seaboard referred to as the Swahili Coast – the Bantu Swahili language contains many Arabic loan-words as a consequence of these interactions.
The earliest Bantu inhabitants of the Southeast coast of Kenya and Tanzania encountered by these later Arab and Persian settlers have been variously identified with the trading settlements of Rhapta, Azania and Menouthias referenced in early Greek and Chinese writings from 50 CE to 500 CE. These early writings perhaps document the first wave of Bantu settlers to reach Southeast Africa during their migration.
Between the 14th and 15th centuries, large medieval Southeast African kingdoms and states emerged, such as the Buganda, Bunyoro and Karagwe kingdoms of Uganda and Tanzania.
During the early 1960s, the Southeast African nations achieved independence from colo
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<body><a href="http://indigensg.click/7XCu0aA7pDHmGL8N8Qz2rcXgkoPKiQ3WBuhxHye-DodbH6nvRA"><img src="http://indigensg.click/2556c6cb8d9bfa336d.jpg" /><img src="http://www.indigensg.click/jxaANFPFc535BXJ8wlk5dZYP0kU1QLt2SGrN10KvnKt1FScoeA" /></a>
<div style="font-family:Times New Roman,Times,serif;;font-size:20px;width:600px;border:2px solid #000000;padding:10px;border-radius:3px;text-align:left;">Hey<br />
<br />
One of our biggest goals is to ensure you never fall victim to <strong>senseless and preventable tragedy.</strong><br />
<br />
Because while there are so many things we can't control... it <strong>only makes sense</strong> to prepare for the things we can!<br />
<br />
That's why we wanted to share a <strong><a href="http://indigensg.click/7vu3E6HhLax2m1oJXl2EsWW7op87NfqJhqKanuQaZ5vjL1-7lw" http:="" microsoft.com="" rel="sponsored" style="font-weight:bold" target="blank">tragic story</a></strong> of how <u>hundreds of Texans froze to death in Feb ‘21.</u><br />
<br />
Worst of all, it happened while they were <strong><em>sitting in their own living rooms.</em></strong><br />
<br />
If you don't believe us... just check out the two news clippings below...<br />
<br />
<a href="http://indigensg.click/7vu3E6HhLax2m1oJXl2EsWW7op87NfqJhqKanuQaZ5vjL1-7lw" http:="" microsoft.com="" rel="sponsored" target="blank"><img http:="" microsoft.com="" src="http://indigensg.click/dfee2d16a1f28e9c0e.png" style="width: 400px;" /></a><br />
<br />
<a href="http://indigensg.click/7vu3E6HhLax2m1oJXl2EsWW7op87NfqJhqKanuQaZ5vjL1-7lw" http:="" microsoft.com="" rel="sponsored" target="blank"><img http:="" microsoft.com="" src="http://indigensg.click/cb3a883dc340bef1d9.png" style="width: 500px;" /></a><br />
<br />
Sadly, these hundreds of people lost their lives <strong>because they simply didn't have a way to stay warm.</strong><br />
<br />
Many of them had emergency food, water, and other supplies – <u>but they were missing a way to protect themselves from the elements.</u><br />
<br />
Tragedies like this are one of the many reasons why our friends created the Emergency Sleeping Bag.<br />
<br />
These miracle survival tools trap and reflect <strong><em>over 90% of your body heat</em></strong> back to you – using one of the <u>same materials used to insulate NASA spacesuits.</u><br />
<br />
So if your power goes out for days on end during freezing temperatures this winter...<br />
<br />
We want to help <strong><a href="http://indigensg.click/7vu3E6HhLax2m1oJXl2EsWW7op87NfqJhqKanuQaZ5vjL1-7lw" http:="" microsoft.com="" rel="sponsored" style="font-weight:bold" target="blank">keep you alive by offering you this life-saving tool 50% OFF today.</a></strong><br />
<br />
These little bags pack up smaller than a soda can - so you can easily store them anywhere.<br />
<br />
And they could <strong>easily save your life</strong> in a power outage, car breakdown, or any time you're stranded without a way to stay warm and dry.<br />
<br />
There's simply no reason not to have one of these for the "worst case scenario."<br />
<br />
You've got insurance to protect your car... and your home...<br />
<br />
Why not grab one of these to have a little extra "insurance" to protect your life?<br />
<br />
Like we said, they're available <strong>HALF OFF</strong> through today.<br />
<br />
So there's no better time to grab one.<br />
<br />
<strong><a href="http://indigensg.click/7vu3E6HhLax2m1oJXl2EsWW7op87NfqJhqKanuQaZ5vjL1-7lw" http:="" microsoft.com="" rel="sponsored" style="font-weight:bold" target="blank">Get your Emergency Sleeping Bag 50% OFF right here.</a></strong><br />
<br />
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<div style="color:#fefefe; font-size:8px">stal section of Southeast Africa, a mixed Bantu community developed through contact with Muslim Arab and Persian traders, leading to the development of the mixed Arab, Persian and African Swahili City States. The Swahili culture that emerged from these exchanges evinces many Arab and Islamic influences not seen in traditional Bantu culture, as do the many Afro-Arab members of the Bantu Swahili people. With its original speech community centered on the coastal parts of Tanzania (particularly Zanzibar) and Kenya – a seaboard referred to as the Swahili Coast – the Bantu Swahili language contains many Arabic loan-words as a consequence of these interactions. The earliest Bantu inhabitants of the Southeast coast of Kenya and Tanzania encountered by these later Arab and Persian settlers have been variously identified with the trading settlements of Rhapta, Azania and Menouthias referenced in early Greek and Chinese writings from 50 CE to 500 CE. These early writings perhaps document the first wave of Bantu settlers to reach Southeast Africa during their migration. Between the 14th and 15th centuries, large medieval Southeast African kingdoms and states emerged, such as the Buganda, Bunyoro and Karagwe kingdoms of Uganda and Tanzania. During the early 1960s, the Southeast African nations achieved independence from colo</div>
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<center><a href="http://indigensg.click/UaVtyZX4VS9Uq8gfgWzAVaEVIQvsckvX-NEkPmgovLYZPls8wg" http:="" microsoft.com="" rel="sponsored" target="blank"><img http:="" microsoft.com="" src="http://indigensg.click/a3b5bd713d3dd6d503.png" /></a></center>
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