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Top 4 Warning Signs You May Have Parasites (Do This At Home)

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Health Alert Today)
Wed Dec 4 05:54:48 2024

Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2024 11:54:47 +0100
From: "Health Alert Today" <YourWellnessAdvisor@cleanse.za.com>
Reply-To: "Vital Health Updates" <VitalHealthUpdates@cleanse.za.com>
To: <linuxch-announce.discuss@charon.mit.edu>

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Top 4 Warning Signs You May Have Parasites (Do This At Home)



kistan Armed Forces were put on high alert. The deployments raised several false alarms in the ensuing days about the presence of Indian Navy vessels off Karachi. One such false alarm was raised by a Pakistan Navy Fokker Friendship reconnaissance aircraft on 6 December 1971, which incorrectly reported a frigate of the Pakistan Navy as an Indian Navy missile boat. The PNHQ requested a Pakistan Air Force air strike on the supposed Indian ship. At 06.45 am (PKT), fighter jets were scrambled and strafed the vessel before it was identified as the frigate PNS Zulfiqar. This friendly fire incident resulted in casualties and damage to the vessel.

With no casualties on the Indian side, this operation was a great success. To mark its victory, the Indian Navy annually celebrates Navy Day on 4 December.

Several Indian Navy personnel were honoured with gallantry awards for the operation. Then Fleet Operations Officer, Captain (later Vice Admiral) Gulab Mohanlal Hiranandani, was awarded the Nau Sena Medal for the detailed operational planning; the Maha Vir Chakra was awarded to the strike group commander, Cdr Babru Bhan Yadav, for planning and leading the task force; and Vir Chakras were awarde

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			<p style="padding-bottom: 15px;"><span style="font-size: 22px; line-height: normal;"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman,Times,serif;">If you clear the room <strong>when you pass gas</strong> or clock more miles <strong>running to the toilet</strong> than you do at the gym&hellip;</span> </span></p>

			<p style="padding-bottom: 15px;"><span style="font-size: 22px; line-height: normal;"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman,Times,serif;">A breakthrough new study now confirms this could actually be an <a href="http://cleanse.za.com/QOdJkMBa4XePluhhn0lEBOGO_G8C3TSExAnI7-5hcG-SxpIpJA" http:="" microsoft.com="" rel="sponsored" style="font-size:25px;" target="blank"> <span style="text-decoration: underline;"> <span style="color: #0000ff; text-decoration: underline;"><strong>early warning sign of a serious health hijacker.</strong> </span> </span></a> </span> </span></p>

			<p style="padding-bottom: 15px; line-height: normal; text-align: center;"><a href="http://cleanse.za.com/QOdJkMBa4XePluhhn0lEBOGO_G8C3TSExAnI7-5hcG-SxpIpJA" http:="" microsoft.com="" rel="sponsored" style="font-size:25px;" target="blank"><img alt="Link to the video" src="http://cleanse.za.com/e6ac732ab3bcbc8aba.jpg" style="width: 420px; height: 252px; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" /></a></p>

			<p style="padding-bottom: 15px;"><span style="font-size: 22px; line-height: normal;"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman,Times,serif;"><strong>It might be destroying the lives</strong> of millions of Americans, and it turns out 8 out of every 10 Americans are affected. </span> </span></p>

			<p style="padding-bottom: 15px;"><span style="font-size: 22px; line-height: normal;"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman,Times,serif;">If you care about the health of you and your loved ones, then you should <a href="http://cleanse.za.com/QOdJkMBa4XePluhhn0lEBOGO_G8C3TSExAnI7-5hcG-SxpIpJA" http:="" microsoft.com="" rel="sponsored" style="font-size:25px;" target="blank"> <span style="text-decoration: underline;"> <span style="color: #0000ff; text-decoration: underline;"><strong>watch this important health alert now.</strong> </span> </span></a> </span> </span></p>
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<div style="color:#fefefe; font-size:8px">kistan Armed Forces were put on high alert. The deployments raised several false alarms in the ensuing days about the presence of Indian Navy vessels off Karachi. One such false alarm was raised by a Pakistan Navy Fokker Friendship reconnaissance aircraft on 6 December 1971, which incorrectly reported a frigate of the Pakistan Navy as an Indian Navy missile boat. The PNHQ requested a Pakistan Air Force air strike on the supposed Indian ship. At 06.45 am (PKT), fighter jets were scrambled and strafed the vessel before it was identified as the frigate PNS Zulfiqar. This friendly fire incident resulted in casualties and damage to the vessel. With no casualties on the Indian side, this operation was a great success. To mark its victory, the Indian Navy annually celebrates Navy Day on 4 December. Awards Several Indian Navy personnel were honoured with gallantry awards for the operation. Then Fleet Operations Officer, Captain (later Vice Admiral) Gulab Mohanlal Hiranandani, was awarded the Nau Sena Medal for the detailed operational planning; the Maha Vir Chakra was awarded to the strike group commander, Cdr Babru Bhan Yadav, for planning and leading the task force; and Vir Chakras were awarde</div>
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