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Unlock Artery Health with Our Plant Solution

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Derek Evans)
Mon Dec 2 10:32:36 2024

Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2024 16:32:34 +0100
From: "Derek Evans" <DerekEvans@saviorstockpile.best>
Reply-To: "Derek Evans" <DerekEvans@saviorstockpile.best>
To: <linuxch-announce.discuss@charon.mit.edu>

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Unlock Artery Health with Our Plant Solution



estern countries to observe and learn their practices, and also paid "foreign advisors" in a variety of fields to come to Japan to educate the populace. For instance, the judicial system and constitution were modeled after Prussia, described by Sabur? Ienaga as "an attempt to control popular thought with a blend of Confucianism and German conservatism." The government also outlawed customs linked to Japan's feudal past, such as publicly displaying and wearing katana and the top knot, both of which were characteristic of the samurai class, which was abolished together with the caste system. This would later bring the Meiji government into conflict with the samurai.

Several writers, under the constant threat of assassination from their political foes, were influential in winning Japanese support for westernization. One such writer was Fukuzawa Yukichi, whose works included "Conditions in the West", "Leaving Asia", and "An Outline of a Theory of Civilization", which detailed Western society and his own philosophies. In the Meiji Restoration period, military and economic power was emph

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<div style="font-size:18px;font-family:Arial;width:550px;text-align:left;padding:10px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">Dear,<br />
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P.S. This secret won&#39;t stay hidden forever. Act now to get your heart clean and clear before Big Pharma finds out!</div>
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<div style="color:#E6E6E6;font-size:10px;">estern countries to observe and learn their practices, and also paid &quot;foreign advisors&quot; in a variety of fields to come to Japan to educate the populace. For instance, the judicial system and constitution were modeled after Prussia, described by Sabur? Ienaga as &quot;an attempt to control popular thought with a blend of Confucianism and German conservatism.&quot; The government also outlawed customs linked to Japan&#39;s feudal past, such as publicly displaying and wearing katana and the top knot, both of which were characteristic of the samurai class, which was abolished together with the caste system. This would later bring the Meiji government into conflict with the samurai. Several writers, under the constant threat of assassination from their political foes, were influential in winning Japanese support for westernization. One such writer was Fukuzawa Yukichi, whose works included &quot;Conditions in the West&quot;, &quot;Leaving Asia&quot;, and &quot;An Outline of a Theory of Civilization&quot;, which detailed Western society and his own philosophies. In the Meiji Restoration period, military and economic power was emph</div>
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