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COMMERCIAL: Linux Developer's Kit CD-ROMs

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Lars Wirzenius)
Tue Dec 20 08:11:15 1994

Date: Tue, 20 Dec 1994 13:58:16 +0200
From: Lars Wirzenius <wirzeniu@cc.helsinki.fi>
To: linux-activists@niksula.hut.fi, linux-announce@vger.rutgers.edu

X-Mn-Key: announce

From: "Travis A. Jensen" <travis@pht.com>
Subject: COMMERCIAL: Linux Developer's Kit CD-ROMs
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce
Keywords: commercial, CD-ROM, developer
Organization: ?
Approved: linux-announce@tc.cornell.edu (Lars Wirzenius)
Followup-to: comp.os.linux.misc

Pacific HiTech (a Salt Lake City based CD-ROM publisher) is proud
to announce their first Linux CD-ROM set.

The Linux Developer's Kit contains the full sunsite.unc.edu archive
and 3/4ths of the tsx-11.mit.edu tree.  I've tried to organize the
two disks in a helpful fasion.  Essentially, the first disk is for
installing Linux; the second disk is for customizing Linux.  Everything
is current as of December 14th.  A sample of what is contained follows:

Disk 1:
  Installation packages
	Japanese Extensions
	Man pages
	Linux Documentation Project
  Dos Utilities

Disk 2:
  Development Tools
	Small Talk
	Doom for X-windows!
	Doom for SVGAlib

The cost of the CD-ROM set is $19.95 plus $5.00 shipping
and handling.  Please note that you can avoid the shipping
and handling if you live in the Salt Lake City area by picking
it up yourself (the address follows).  

This is the first of many disks that Pacific HiTech will be
publishing.  In addition to the CD-ROM, you can always get
the latest Linux software from ftp://ftp.pht.com/pub/linux
(you can get there through http://www.pht.com as well).  We
have set this mirror site up because I am a big Linux fan,
and think that we should give back to the community that has
given us so much.  BTW, ftp.pht.com is a Linux box. :)


Address:	Pacific HiTech, Inc.
		3855 South 500 West, Suite B
		Salt Lake City, UT 84115
Phone:		1-800-765-8369 (Inside the United States)
		1-801-261-1024 (Outside the United States)
Fax:		1-801-261-0310
E-mail:		orders@pht.com (to place an order)
		tech@pht.com (for information)
World Wide Web:	http://www.pht.com/



Travis A. Jensen	  |  USER: n.
travis@pht.com		  |    "What computer professionals 
Development Group Leader  |     use when they mean 'idiot'."
System Administrator      |
Pacific HiTech		  |     --Dave Barry
http://www.pht.com is my Web child
someday, http://www.pht.com/~travis will be me...

Send submissions for comp.os.linux.announce to: linux-announce@tc.cornell.edu
PLEASE remember Keywords: and a short description of the software.

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