[14] in linux-announce channel archive
X11-QMR Ver 1.3
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Lars Wirzenius)
Tue Dec 20 06:51:09 1994
Date: Tue, 20 Dec 1994 12:28:48 +0200
From: Lars Wirzenius <wirzeniu@cc.helsinki.fi>
To: linux-activists@niksula.hut.fi, linux-announce@vger.rutgers.edu
X-Mn-Key: announce
From: ross@wanda.iaccess.za
Subject: X11-QMR Ver 1.3
Organization: Internet Access public-access service
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce
Keywords: X11, Qmail, offline mail reader
Approved: linux-announce@tc.cornell.edu (Lars Wirzenius)
Followup-to: comp.os.linux.misc
I have uploaded X11-QMR Ver 1.3 to tsx-11.mit.edu, it can be found in
I have also uploaded it to sunsite.unc.edu, where it can be found in ..
It is also available from my home site ftp.iaccess.za in ..
If you have your own copy of Metrolink Motif, get the "src" or the
"dbin" archives, else if you do not have Motif, get the "sbin" archive
this the static version, and should run anywhere.
If you use X, and connect to dos (yuk!) BBS's then X11-QMR is for you,
use "seyon" as well, and you have all you need without ever resorting
to ms-dos again.
------------------------------- tear ----------------------------------
Title = X11-QMR
Version = 1.3
Desc1 = X11/Motif Qmail offline mail reader for Unix
Desc2 = Compiles and runs on Linux, HP-UX, and SCO-ODT
Desc3 = Compilation requires Motif.
Desc4 = The dbin archive is for users who own Metrolink Motif
Desc5 = The sbin archive is for generic Linux installations
Author = Ross C Linder
AuthorEmail = ross@wanda.iaccess.za
Maintainer = Ross C Linder
MaintEmail = ross@wanda.iaccess.za
Site1 = ftp.iaccess.za
Path1 = /pub/unix/x11-qmr
Site2 = tsx-11.mit.edu
Path2 = /usr/linux/[sources | binaries]/usr.bin.X11
Site3 = sunsite.unc.edu
Path3 = /pub/Linux/system/Mail/readers
File1.1 = X11-QMR-1.3.src.tar.gz
FileSize1.1 = 103221
File1.2 = X11-QMR-1.3.dbin.tar.gz
FileSize1.2 = 102018
File1.3 = X11-QMR-1.3.sbin.tar.gz
FileSize1.3 = 521825
Required1 = XFree86
CopyPolicy1 = Freely distributable
Keywords = qwk, qmail, qmr, x11-qmr
Comment1 = I think this is the only X based QWK mail reader
Entered = 05-Dec-1994
EnteredBy = Ross Linder
|_____| Ross Linder ross@wanda.iaccess.za Ph: +27 (11) 793-4818
00=o#o=00 X11-QMR: Finger: rossl@mickey.iaccess.za
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ftp: iaccess.za "/pub/unix/x11-qmr/"
Send submissions for comp.os.linux.announce to: linux-announce@tc.cornell.edu
PLEASE remember Keywords: and a short description of the software.