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New 53c400 scsi driver released
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Lars Wirzenius)
Tue Dec 20 06:40:50 1994
Date: Tue, 20 Dec 1994 12:18:14 +0200
From: Lars Wirzenius <wirzeniu@cc.helsinki.fi>
To: linux-activists@niksula.hut.fi, linux-announce@vger.rutgers.edu
X-Mn-Key: announce
From: kevinl@fangorn.cs.monash.edu.au (Kevin Lentin)
Subject: New 53c400 scsi driver released
Organization: Monash University
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce
Keywords: device driver, SCSI T130B NCR5380 NCR53C400
Approved: linux-announce@tc.cornell.edu (Lars Wirzenius)
Followup-to: comp.os.linux.development,comp.os.linux.development.system
I have just uplaoded a new patch for the NCR53C400 SCSI chip. Thiis is hte
chip that the T130B runs on. The driver is unchanged form the previous
version. This patch is agiast pl72, the old one was pl49. It's in incoming
now. Here is the .lsm entry:
Title: Patch to Linux 1.1.72 for 53c400/t130b scsi
Version: 1(beta)
Entered-date: 15/12/94
Description: These patches allow the Trantor T130B and any other
NCR53c400 based card to work with the Generic NCR5380 SCSI driver
under Linux. Ineterupts and PSEUDO-DMA are supported. This will
become part of the development kernel eventually.
This also includes some patches from Drew Eckhardt to do with
resets and aborts as well as some timing issues. I couldn't be
bothered separating them out. They'll all go in eventually anyway.
Keywords: SCSI T130B NCR5380 NCR53C400
Author: kevinl@cs.monash.edu.au (Kevin Lentin)
Maintained-by: kevinl@cs.monash.edu.au (Kevin Lentin)
Primary-site: sunsite.unc.edu /pub/Linux/kernel/patches/scsi
15k 53c400.tar.gz
Platform: Linux 1.1.72
Copying-policy: GPL
[ Kevin Lentin |___/~\__/~\___/~~~~\__/~\__/~\_| ]
[ kevinl@bruce.cs.monash.edu.au |___/~\/~\_____/~\______/~\/~\__| ]
[ Macintrash: 'Just say NO!' |___/~\__/~\___/~~~~\____/~~\___| ]
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