[687] in Humor

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HUMOR: A Marketing Triumph(?)

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Andrew A. Bennett)
Tue Jan 24 22:36:41 1995

To: humor@MIT.EDU
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 1995 22:33:05 EST
From: "Andrew A. Bennett" <abennett@MIT.EDU>

From: Espacionaute Spiff domine! <MATOSSIAN@aries.colorado.edu>
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 1995 11:33:38 -0500
From: bostic@CS.Berkeley.EDU (Keith Bostic)
Subject: The risks of direct marketing
Forwarded-by: Michael Travers <mt@media.mit.edu>

From: a Technology Review (7/93) article on sophisticated uses of
      databases for personalizing junk mail:

One clever marketer for an anti-aging cream compiled a list of likely
prospects and mailed out ads with before-and-after pictures with a
personalized note scrawled across the top along the lines of "Kathy --
Try this.  It works.  R."  A recently divorced woman, convinced that
the note came from her ex-husband's new wife, murdered them both.

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