[411] in Humor

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Re: Magic Humor

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Maria Redin)
Tue Aug 16 11:30:52 1994

From: Maria Redin <msredin@clark.lcs.mit.edu>
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 94 11:26:08 -0400
To: ghsanka@MIT.EDU
Cc: pbaker@ccmail.kenan.com, humor@MIT.EDU, msredin@clark.lcs.mit.edu

> The passengers on an ocean-going ship were being entertained by a
> magician. The captain's parrot was present at the show and kept the
> magician in a state of extreme agitation by explaining every trick  
the man did.

> When the magician would try to fool the parrot, the bird would call  
out loud and clear .... "He did it with a string in his sleeve" or  
"He's using mirrors and he has a trap door under the table."

> The magician was about to murder the parrot on the spot when the  
ship was shaken by a tremendous explosion. A torpedo had found its  

> Some time later, the parrot and the magician found themselve afloat  
in a sea of darkness, both holding on to the same piece of driftwood.  
After a long silence, the parrot spoke up dejectedly and said, "All  
right, I give up. What the hell did you do with the ship?"

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