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MIT Risks list temporarily off the Risks Digest

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Theodore Y. Ts'o)
Wed Oct 27 14:48:52 1999

Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 14:46:55 -0400
Message-Id: <199910271846.OAA07314@tsx-prime.MIT.EDU>
From: "Theodore Y. Ts'o" <tytso@MIT.EDU>
To: risks@MIT.EDU

Fellow Risks-ians at MIT,

Risks@athena.mit.edu, the local MIT Risks redistribution, got dropped
off the maini Risks redistribution, due to a change which our gentle MIT
postmaters made around October 6th.  On that day, *@athena.mit.edu
addresses stopped working, since they hadn't been supported in 5 years
or so.  Unfortunately, risks@athena.mit.edu dates back to 1987 or so.

As a result, we didn't receive two of the recent Risks digests, Risks
20.62 and Risks 20.63.  I have requested that risks@mit.edu be
resubscribed to the main Risks mail alias, so we should be back on line

I apologize for the inconvenience.

							- Ted

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