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Perl-Users Digest, Issue: 1540 Volume: 9

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Perl-Users Digest)
Wed Dec 1 18:11:29 1999

Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 15:10:41 -0800 (PST)
From: Perl-Users Digest <Perl-Users-Request@ruby.OCE.ORST.EDU>
To: Perl-Users@ruby.OCE.ORST.EDU (Perl-Users Digest)
Message-Id: <944089841-v9-i1540@ruby.oce.orst.edu>
Content-Type: text

Perl-Users Digest           Wed, 1 Dec 1999     Volume: 9 Number: 1540

Today's topics:
    Re: How to get remote systems OSTYPE and SERVER_SOFTWAR <cassell@mail.cor.epa.gov>
    Re: How to get remote systems OSTYPE and SERVER_SOFTWAR <gellyfish@gellyfish.com>
    Re: increase the hash value by one (Abigail)
    Re: install_driver(Oracle) failed (John D Groenveld)
    Re: Job Opportunity: Perl/Linux gurus needed by Intel (Will England)
    Re: Job Opportunity: Perl/Linux gurus needed by Intel <cassell@mail.cor.epa.gov>
    Re: Job Opportunity: Perl/Linux gurus needed by Intel (Randal L. Schwartz)
    Re: Job Opportunity: Perl/Linux gurus needed by Intel (Martien Verbruggen)
    Re: Last printed line or char (Abigail)
    Re: Library (Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes)
    Re: Looking for a good Perl Book <cassell@mail.cor.epa.gov>
    Re: Looking for a good Perl Book <lr@hpl.hp.com>
    Re: Looking for a good Perl Book <keithmur@mindspring.com>
        Looking for Date Range <ewald@electronicfrontiers.com>
    Re: Looking for Date Range <Joachim.Pense@main-rheiner.de>
    Re: Looking for Date Range <emschwar@rmi.net>
    Re: Looking for Date Range <lr@hpl.hp.com>
    Re: MS Access over ODBC with UNIX/Perl ? <cassell@mail.cor.epa.gov>
    Re: My Script Wont Work <cassell@mail.cor.epa.gov>
    Re: Newbie Question.!! Generating index.html files.. (Randal L. Schwartz)
    Re: newbie split() question <lr@hpl.hp.com>
        OS/390 & Perl, how do I get it to compile? shepman@my-deja.com
    Re: PERL CONTEST <cassell@mail.cor.epa.gov>
    Re: PERL CONTEST (brian d foy)
    Re: PERL CONTEST <gellyfish@gellyfish.com>
    Re: PERL CONTEST <newsposter@cthulhu.demon.nl>
    Re: perl modules for socket stuff <cassell@mail.cor.epa.gov>
    Re: perl modules for socket stuff <gellyfish@gellyfish.com>
    Re: perl source code formatter? <cassell@mail.cor.epa.gov>
        Digest Administrivia (Last modified: 16 Sep 99) (Perl-Users-Digest Admin)


Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 12:36:35 -0800
From: David Cassell <cassell@mail.cor.epa.gov>
Subject: Re: How to get remote systems OSTYPE and SERVER_SOFTWARE environment variables
Message-Id: <384586D3.178E489A@mail.cor.epa.gov>

Bill Lazarus wrote:
> I am in need of a perl script that will return the OSTYPE and
> SERVER_SOFTWARE variables from a remote system.  I know this is possible as
> www.netcraft.com has a form that provides this information.  Any
> help/pointers to a script will be greatly appreciated.

But if you read the stuff at netcraft.com you'll see that they
just look at the HTTP info that comes back when they talk to a
webserver.  You can do that too.  And you'll get the same,
potentially untrustworthy, results they get.  Look at the
HTTP::Response and HTTP::Request modules to see if they do what
you want.

David Cassell, OAO                     cassell@mail.cor.epa.gov
Senior computing specialist
mathematical statistician


Date: 1 Dec 1999 21:08:28 -0000
From: Jonathan Stowe <gellyfish@gellyfish.com>
Subject: Re: How to get remote systems OSTYPE and SERVER_SOFTWARE environment variables
Message-Id: <8242oc$fme$1@gellyfish.btinternet.com>

On Wed, 1 Dec 1999 13:11:36 -0500 Bill Lazarus wrote:
> Tony Curtis wrote in message ...
>>"Bill Lazarus" <blazarus@klci.com> writes:
>>> I am in need of a perl script that will return the OSTYPE and
>>> SERVER_SOFTWARE variables from a remote system.  I know this is possible
> as
>>> www.netcraft.com has a form that provides this information.  Any
>>> help/pointers to a script will be greatly appreciated.
>>No reliable or trustworthy solution is possible,
>>because you provide no context in which to evaluate
>>your question.
>>Is it an HTTP connection, do you want to remote
>>login?  A proprietary protocol?  (Yeah, yeah, it's
>>yet another CGI/server-side question but it makes
>>life easier if you don't have to guess and is more
>>likely to get useful replies.)
>>Please...give enough information to allow people to
>>reply with help.
> Sorry for not being specific enough in my request for help.
> The perl script will execute in a LINUX environment running Perl version
> 5.004_01.
> I plan on using the default URL as the ID for the remote system, e.g.
> http://www.klci.com so will assume that the script will only need to
> establish an HTTP connection.  FYI, I have been successful with LWP::Simple.
> I realize that this module will not provide me with the information I am
> seeking, but have been unable to determine how to get at the environment
> variables that interest me.  I will not be able to use rlogin or similar
> approaches (ftp, smtp) as I do not have user accounts on the target systems
> and in many cases guest logins are not allowed.  The approach should exclude
> proprietary protocols.  Again, if you go to www.netcraft.com there is an
> example of exactly what I would like to do, only instead of using a html
> form, I want to execute the request/response directly from the Perl script
> so that I can log the results.

You might get lucky with :

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

use LWP::UserAgent;

my $agent = new LWP::UserAgent;


my $request = new HTTP::Request 'HEAD' => 'http://localhost';

$request->header('Accept' => 'text/html');

my $result = $agent->request($request);

if ($result->is_success) 
   print $result->as_string;
   print "Error: " . $result->status_line . "\n";

However the 'Server:' header might not exist at all or may not give you all 
the information that you need.  Netcraft almost certainly apply some heuristic
to the headers in order to determine OS and server where this information
is not available - of course this has nothing to do with Perl - you will
want to ask in the comp.infosystems.www.servers.* group for information
that will enable you to identify specific server/os combinations.

Jonathan Stowe <jns@gellyfish.com>
Hastings: <URL:http://dmoz.org/Regional/UK/England/East_Sussex/Hastings>


Date: 1 Dec 1999 14:30:35 -0600
From: abigail@delanet.com (Abigail)
Subject: Re: increase the hash value by one
Message-Id: <slrn84b1h3.m2v.abigail@alexandra.delanet.com>

Yuval (yuval@mypad.com) wrote on MMCCLXXXIII September MCMXCIII in
`` to sort it, I knew - by entering it into a hash and then sort it by value.
`` But how do I enter the name and increase the value by one? I looked all over
`` but I didn't find it.

Have you looked at what '+' does?

perl -e 'for (s??4a75737420616e6f74686572205065726c204861636b65720as?;??;??) 
             {s?(..)s\??qq \?print chr 0x$1 and q ss\??excess}'

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Date: 1 Dec 1999 14:31:01 -0500
From: groenvel@cse.psu.edu (John D Groenveld)
Subject: Re: install_driver(Oracle) failed
Message-Id: <823t1l$7qj$1@grolsch.cse.psu.edu>

Did you read the README's when you built DBI, DBD::Oracle? Did you run
make test? The error indicates that you probably missed a library when
you linked Oracle.so.
Under Solaris, if you're properly linked, make test should succeed and
the resulting Oracle.so should not require LD_LIBRARY_PATH to be set.
env - ldd Oracle.so
should indicate that all libraries were found.


Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 19:20:20 GMT
From: will@mylanders.com (Will England)
Subject: Re: Job Opportunity: Perl/Linux gurus needed by Intel
Message-Id: <slrn84atvb.j1a.will@mylanders.com>

On 01 Dec 1999 13:01:21 -0500, Scott Lanning <slanning@bu.edu> wrote:
>mac6@Ra.MsState.Edu (Mubashir Akhtar Cheema) writes:
>> I have accepted a position at Intel in Portland, Oregon and will
>> be moving there in a few days.  I have been asked if I know or can
>> find some other folks who are good in Perl and Linux.
>Surely you're trolling, Mr. Cheema.

Frightenlingly enough, he's not.  And didn't have any idea why this
would be so funny.  Sigh.  Guess those are the people making the
code for the new Pentium 3.99999 chips.  

  "If Al Gore invented the Internet, then I invented spellcheck!"
      Dan Quayle, quoted at the National Press Club, 8/3/1999 
  Recovery page: http://will.mylanders.com/    will@mylanders.com 


Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 11:37:41 -0800
From: David Cassell <cassell@mail.cor.epa.gov>
Subject: Re: Job Opportunity: Perl/Linux gurus needed by Intel
Message-Id: <38457905.8995F4C8@mail.cor.epa.gov>

Simon Cozens wrote:
> Mubashir Akhtar Cheema (comp.lang.perl.misc):
> >I have accepted a position at Intel in Portland, Oregon and will
> >be moving there in a few days.  I have been asked if I know or can
> >find some other folks who are good in Perl and Linux.
> Intel in Oregon are after Perl people.

Wait, I thought Intel *was* after a Perl guy.

[I just know Randal is going to drive down and smack me for that one.]
David Cassell, OAO                     cassell@mail.cor.epa.gov
Senior computing specialist
mathematical statistician


Date: 01 Dec 1999 12:15:22 -0800
From: merlyn@stonehenge.com (Randal L. Schwartz)
Subject: Re: Job Opportunity: Perl/Linux gurus needed by Intel
Message-Id: <m1emd6mn8l.fsf@halfdome.holdit.com>

>>>>> "David" == David Cassell <cassell@mail.cor.epa.gov> writes:

>> Intel in Oregon are after Perl people.

David> Wait, I thought Intel *was* after a Perl guy.

David> [I just know Randal is going to drive down and smack me for that one.]


Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
<merlyn@stonehenge.com> <URL:http://www.stonehenge.com/merlyn/>
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See PerlTraining.Stonehenge.com for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!


Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 22:43:17 GMT
From: mgjv@comdyn.com.au (Martien Verbruggen)
Subject: Re: Job Opportunity: Perl/Linux gurus needed by Intel
Message-Id: <9wh14.259$JO3.3602@nsw.nnrp.telstra.net>

On 1 Dec 1999 10:25:39 GMT,
	Mubashir Akhtar Cheema <mac6@Ra.MsState.Edu> wrote:
> I have accepted a position at Intel in Portland, Oregon and will
> be moving there in a few days.  I have been asked if I know or can
> find some other folks who are good in Perl and Linux.

Intel surely must be joking. You surely must be joking. Maybe Intel is
having you on. Most decent Perl programmers will most likely refuse to
work for Intel. At least the ones with a bit of feeling for the

Martien Verbruggen              | 
Interactive Media Division      | Little girls, like butterflies, need
Commercial Dynamics Pty. Ltd.   | no excuse - Lazarus Long
NSW, Australia                  | 


Date: 1 Dec 1999 14:17:55 -0600
From: abigail@delanet.com (Abigail)
Subject: Re: Last printed line or char
Message-Id: <slrn84b0pd.m2v.abigail@alexandra.delanet.com>

Antti-Jussi Korjonen (Antti-Jussi.Korjonen@sonera.com) wrote on
MMCCLXXXIII September MCMXCIII in <URL:news:384524DB.1BF2B200@sonera.com>:
{} Abigail wrote:
{} > 
{} > Antti-Jussi Korjonen (korjoan1@babylon.dat.tele.fi) wrote on MMCCLXXXIII
{} > September MCMXCIII in <URL:news:sQ514.67$Uw6.2133@read2.inet.fi>:
{} > ^^
{} > ^^ Is it possible to determine what was the last line or char that
{} > ^^ was written to STDOUT or STDERR.
{} > ^^ Does there exist some kind of special variable, or something?
{} > 
{} > No, but you can filter your own STDOUT and keep track of it yourself.
{} Ok and how would I do that?

man perlopentut

perl -we '$_ = q ;4a75737420616e6f74686572205065726c204861636b65720as;;
          for (s;s;s;s;s;s;s;s;s;s;s;s)
              {s;(..)s?;qq qprint chr 0x$1 and \161 ssq;excess;}'

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Date: 1 Dec 1999 08:33:11 -0800
From: sthoenna@efn.org (Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes)
Subject: Re: Library
Message-Id: <vzDR4gzkgyJL092yn@efn.org>

In article <38425C4D.1A950528@BrightSite.nl>,
Eduard Keilholz <E.Keilholz@BrightSite.nl> wrote:
>require("intra-lib.pl") ) I get a script error in my browser.
>Are there special rules to create a library or variables I need to set?
>It's now just a regular script starting with #!/Path/To/Perl

The #! line doesn't do anything here and can be removed.

Yes, there is a special rule: the require'd file must return a true
value.  This is usually done by adding:


as the last line of the file, as mentioned by perldoc -f require

Trying your script out from the command line will help you find your
errors better.  Also see perldoc CGI::Carp about:
use CGI::Carp qw(:fatalsToBrowser)


Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 11:48:45 -0800
From: David Cassell <cassell@mail.cor.epa.gov>
Subject: Re: Looking for a good Perl Book
Message-Id: <38457B9D.22BE891B@mail.cor.epa.gov>

Herman Stocker wrote:
> My 2 - After 20+ years programming - I find that "Learning PERL" books  to
> be less then it could be!  "Learning PERL" assumes that the reader has
> worked with Unix, scripting and has programmed in C.  This is not the best
> thing to do for a first book.

Well, it does assume some background.  No question.  So it is
not the best choice for someone with absolutely no comp sci
background.  For those people I now recommend Andrew Johnson's
"Elements of Programming with Perl".

And it's Perl.  Like Python and Java, unlike FORTRAN and BASIC 
and APL.  We're picky about things like case.  :-)

> Over the years my stile of coding has changed as I moved from language to
> language and machine to machine.  I do not see any reason to teach/preach
> one stile of coding and then say that this stile is the only correct way to
> do it (start looking at your code) a book for a beginner should be written
> without assuming anything about the reader.

But Perl lets you code in a variety of ways.  And any intro
book is unlikely to have the time to teach you multiple options.
And there is an issue of efficiency when dealing with Perl's

> I was told once that one line of code can NOT be explained in less then one
> line of comets and that more is better - I still believe this to be true, as
> lone as information is being passed on and not just rambling on (++a #
> adding one to a (when? why? what for? how come? I don't know - just
> because...).

Commenting style is always an individual preference, even when
you work for a group with defined commenting guidelines.  Still,
it might take Randal ten times longer to explain some of his code
than to write it.  :-)

One more nit to pick: please place your replies *after* the text
you quote, and please trim said text for the next people to see 
the thread.  Thanks.

David Cassell, OAO                     cassell@mail.cor.epa.gov
Senior computing specialist
mathematical statistician


Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 12:36:46 -0800
From: Larry Rosler <lr@hpl.hp.com>
Subject: Re: Looking for a good Perl Book
Message-Id: <MPG.12af26bc5b75251498a2c4@nntp.hpl.hp.com>

In article <38457B9D.22BE891B@mail.cor.epa.gov> on Wed, 01 Dec 1999 
11:48:45 -0800, David Cassell <cassell@mail.cor.epa.gov> says...


> And it's Perl.  Like Python and Java, unlike FORTRAN and BASIC 
> and APL.  We're picky about things like case.  :-)

Bzzzt!  It's been Fortran and Basic for decades now.  But APL is still 
APL.  :-)

(Just Another Larry) Rosler
Hewlett-Packard Laboratories


Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 16:27:29 -0600
From: "Keith G. Murphy" <keithmur@mindspring.com>
Subject: Re: Looking for a good Perl Book
Message-Id: <3845A0D1.61DC0B9@mindspring.com>

Scott Lanning wrote:
> I think 'sed & awk' by (from memory) Robbins & Dougherty
> is one of the best intro Perl books. :)
That's Dougherty & Robbins (from my shelf).  :-)  I found it to be so
also.  Actually, when I read it, I thought, "This regular expression
stuff is pretty neat, but can't we have a *real* language that uses
it?"  That's probably what Larry Wall thought, but he did something
about it.


Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 14:52:42 -0500
From: Ed Waldspurger <ewald@electronicfrontiers.com>
Subject: Looking for Date Range
Message-Id: <MPG.12af4698e83f09fc989680@news.siscom.net>

I am checking a log file for an expression and counting the results.  I 
would like to evaluate for a date range before the line is checked.  Here 
is an example of the date format: [28/Nov/1999:04:58:15 -0500].  How can 
I use a beginning and ending date and only check the lines which fall 
between that date range?

-Ed Waldspurger


Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 21:14:53 +0100
From: "Joachim Pense" <Joachim.Pense@main-rheiner.de>
Subject: Re: Looking for Date Range
Message-Id: <944079298.977718@news.mediaWays.net>

Ed Waldspurger wrote
>I am checking a log file for an expression and counting the results.  I
>would like to evaluate for a date range before the line is checked.  Here
>is an example of the date format: [28/Nov/1999:04:58:15 -0500].  How can
>I use a beginning and ending date and only check the lines which fall
>between that date range?
>-Ed Waldspurger
scan the date for its elements using a regular expression;
make the month numeric using a hash;
use timelocal to transform the date in a number representing the number of
seconds since 1970
compare this to the endpoints of the range.

I do not know if this works outside Unix, though...



Date: 01 Dec 1999 13:47:09 -0700
From: Eric The Read <emschwar@rmi.net>
Subject: Re: Looking for Date Range
Message-Id: <xkfbt8afkxe.fsf@valdemar.col.hp.com>

Ed Waldspurger <ewald@electronicfrontiers.com> writes:
> I am checking a log file for an expression and counting the results.  I 
> would like to evaluate for a date range before the line is checked.  Here 
> is an example of the date format: [28/Nov/1999:04:58:15 -0500].  How can 
> I use a beginning and ending date and only check the lines which fall 
> between that date range?

Investigate the Date::Calc module.  You can use it to turn the above line 
into an object, and then use comparison functions to see if it's less
than or greater than your boundaries.

"Cutting the space budget really restores my faith in humanity.  It
eliminates dreams, goals, and ideals and lets us get straight to the
business of hate, debauchery, and self-annihilation."
                -- Johnny Hart


Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 14:34:28 -0800
From: Larry Rosler <lr@hpl.hp.com>
Subject: Re: Looking for Date Range
Message-Id: <MPG.12af4251414ead0c98a2c8@nntp.hpl.hp.com>

In article <944079298.977718@news.mediaWays.net> on Wed, 1 Dec 1999 
21:14:53 +0100, Joachim Pense <Joachim.Pense@main-rheiner.de> says...
> Ed Waldspurger wrote
> >I am checking a log file for an expression and counting the results.  I
> >would like to evaluate for a date range before the line is checked.  Here
> >is an example of the date format: [28/Nov/1999:04:58:15 -0500].  How can
> >I use a beginning and ending date and only check the lines which fall
> >between that date range?
> scan the date for its elements using a regular expression;
> make the month numeric using a hash;
> use timelocal to transform the date in a number representing the number of
> seconds since 1970
> compare this to the endpoints of the range.

One can instead skip the timelocal step and do comparisons on the dates 
themselves, written as


> I do not know if this works outside Unix, though...

No reason at all why it wouldn't.

(Just Another Larry) Rosler
Hewlett-Packard Laboratories


Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 12:19:53 -0800
From: David Cassell <cassell@mail.cor.epa.gov>
Subject: Re: MS Access over ODBC with UNIX/Perl ?
Message-Id: <384582E9.B00CCD7@mail.cor.epa.gov>

Jeff Zucker wrote:
[a really good answer I am going to hearltessly snip]
> bums wrote:
> >
> > I want to connect a MS Access Database on Windows with a Perl-Script on a
> > UNIX-Server(Webserver) !
> Please consult the archives of this newsgroup and of
> comp.lang.perl.modules as to why it is not a good idea to use Access as
> a backend database for web projects.  Then, if you still want to do it,
> please consult Thomas Lowery's excellent FAQ items

And remember.  Access is not made to handle multiple requests,
as any popular website will get sooner or later.  So if you
insist on using Access and things go kablooie somewhere in the
future, you will have only yourself to blame.  Get a better
database.  Like one of the free ones on the net.

David Cassell, OAO                     cassell@mail.cor.epa.gov
Senior computing specialist
mathematical statistician


Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 11:25:40 -0800
From: David Cassell <cassell@mail.cor.epa.gov>
Subject: Re: My Script Wont Work
Message-Id: <38457634.848F6812@mail.cor.epa.gov>

Simon Cozens wrote:
> Brett W. McCoy (comp.lang.perl.misc):
> >Who is this Matt Wright, whose very name seems to induce shudders?  I came
> >across someone's website recently that had a guestbook with a note at the
> >bottom saying it had been written by this person.
> He appears to be someone who is working against the spread of Perl used
> in CGI; a sort of false prophet, leading men to the anti-tChrist.

Actually, he's just a guy who wrote a bunch of CGI programs 
while learning Perl as a teenager, and then distributed them
for free across the net.  But they caught on, and he put them
up at a website so they were copied even more often, and
things snowballed.  His programs are about as good as one would
expect from hearing the above.  He may know more Perl now,
but he's in college and too busy to upgrade the scripts.
Still, he has taken the abuse from this newsgroup far better
than I anticipated.

David Cassell, OAO                     cassell@mail.cor.epa.gov
Senior computing specialist
mathematical statistician


Date: 01 Dec 1999 12:10:05 -0800
From: merlyn@stonehenge.com (Randal L. Schwartz)
Subject: Re: Newbie Question.!! Generating index.html files..
Message-Id: <m1vh6imnhe.fsf@halfdome.holdit.com>

>>>>> "xt7302" == xt7302  <xt7302@my-deja.com> writes:

xt7302> 	Based on the previous code I tried implementing my requirement and
xt7302> arrived at the following code...

Please don't do your own recursion.  "use File::Find".  Your code will
wrongly follow symlinks, possibly leading to infinite loops.

print "Just another Perl hacker,"

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
<merlyn@stonehenge.com> <URL:http://www.stonehenge.com/merlyn/>
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See PerlTraining.Stonehenge.com for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!


Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 12:43:07 -0800
From: Larry Rosler <lr@hpl.hp.com>
Subject: Re: newbie split() question
Message-Id: <MPG.12af2834fe07cb8798a2c5@nntp.hpl.hp.com>

In article <kus3dtmpjua.fsf@buphy.bu.edu> on 01 Dec 1999 14:00:29 -0500, 
Scott Lanning <slanning@bu.edu> says...


> Finally, beware of the following:
>     ($p1, $p2) = split '|', $string;
> If you thought that the single quotes meant no interpretation
> of the pipe character, you'd be wrong because split()'s syntax
> specifies that its first argument (if any) is a /PATTERN/.
> (I done good, didn't I Larry? :)

You betcha!  ('On, Wisconsin' and all that, from the latest -- temporary 
-- Badger rooter; apologies to all who don't follow US college 

(Just Another Larry) Rosler
Hewlett-Packard Laboratories


Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 22:08:59 GMT
From: shepman@my-deja.com
Subject: OS/390 & Perl, how do I get it to compile?
Message-Id: <82469n$1no$1@nnrp1.deja.com>


We are new to the world of the os/390 unix subsystem.  When trying
to compile perl, we get the following error message:

echo Makefile.SH cflags.SH config_h.SH makeaperl.SH makedepend.SH
makedir.SH pe
rl_exp.SH writemain.SH | tr ' ' '\n' >.shlist
Makefile.SH cflags.SH config_h.SH makeaperl.SH makedepend.SH makedir.SH
 .SH writemain.SH | tr ' ' '
' >.shlist
mv: .shlist: EDC5129I No such file or directory.
 ./makedepend 127: FSUM7343 cannot open ".shlist.old" for input: EDC5129I
No such
 file or directory.
Updating makefile...
test -s perlmain.c && touch perlmain.c
test: FSUM6807 expression syntax error
FSUM8226 make: Error code 2 (Ignored)
cd x2p; /bin/make depend
cd: Usage: cd [dir]
        cd old new
FSUM8226 make: Error code 2
FSUM8226 make: Error code 255
make: 'makefile' removed.

Anyone have any hints to help me get past this?

James Shepherd
BOTCC corp

Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
Before you buy.


Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 12:00:41 -0800
From: David Cassell <cassell@mail.cor.epa.gov>
Message-Id: <38457E69.AE3CD2AD@mail.cor.epa.gov>

Mark Bluemel wrote:
> In article <02efc50a.71ee7f2a@usw-ex0101-006.remarq.com>, I
> <mark.bluemelNOmaSPAM@siemens.co.uk.invalid> wrote:
> > exec 'cd DIR1; find . -print | cpio -pdum DIR2"
> Oh no! Untested code and mismatched quotes! I plead in my defence that
> I only intended to point out that Perl isn't needed here...

Don't worry.  The real gurus here all kill any posts which have
nothing but caps in the Subject: line.  And subjects like
"PERL CONTEST" are always trolls or desperation efforts to get
free code, so you and I may be the only ones to read this
thread.  You're safe.

Oh.  I just remembered.  Some of said gurus have my name scored
high enough to overcome those aforementioned deficits.  So 
now *everyone* will see your typo.  Oy, do I feel guilty now...

David Cassell, OAO                     cassell@mail.cor.epa.gov
Senior computing specialist
mathematical statistician


Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 10:47:12 -1000
From: brian@smithrenaud.com (brian d foy)
Message-Id: <brian-0112991047120001@200.honolulu-08-09rs.hi.dial-access.att.net>

In article <4B18DC21951B16C7.8241D67705C2DF2D.C8C3FB502177AA5A@lp.airnews.net>, <jean.charles.durand@microsoft.fr> wrote:

>The one who finds the solution to this complex problem will be rewarded :)
>Suppose you have one directory (DIR1) which is so huge - say 50GB - that its
>structure can't fit into memory.
>So that when you are trying to do a "cp -R DIR1 DIR2", it gives you an "out
>of memory" error because it can't copy into memory the complexity of its
>directory tree.
>One solution would be to do a simple perl script which would CHDIR through
>DIR1 recursively and copy all the files and directoried it encounters to
>The challenge is to write such a script.

this is not a complex problem, and if you need work done, you should
pay for it rather than insulting this group with such a scam.

brian d foy
Perl Mongers <URI:http://www.perl.org>


Date: 1 Dec 1999 20:50:15 -0000
From: Jonathan Stowe <gellyfish@gellyfish.com>
Message-Id: <8241m7$fii$1@gellyfish.btinternet.com>

On Wed, 01 Dec 1999 12:00:41 -0800 David Cassell wrote:
> Mark Bluemel wrote:
>> In article <02efc50a.71ee7f2a@usw-ex0101-006.remarq.com>, I
>> <mark.bluemelNOmaSPAM@siemens.co.uk.invalid> wrote:
> [snip]
>> > exec 'cd DIR1; find . -print | cpio -pdum DIR2"
>> Oh no! Untested code and mismatched quotes! I plead in my defence that
>> I only intended to point out that Perl isn't needed here...
> Don't worry.  The real gurus here all kill any posts which have
> nothing but caps in the Subject: line.  And subjects like
> "PERL CONTEST" are always trolls or desperation efforts to get
> free code, so you and I may be the only ones to read this
> thread.  You're safe.
> Oh.  I just remembered.  Some of said gurus have my name scored
> high enough to overcome those aforementioned deficits.  So 
> now *everyone* will see your typo.  Oy, do I feel guilty now...

Oh and I read *everything* (my newsreader puts a K in front of killed things).

Jonathan Stowe <jns@gellyfish.com>
Hastings: <URL:http://dmoz.org/Regional/UK/England/East_Sussex/Hastings>


Date: 1 Dec 1999 21:41:47 GMT
From: Erik van Roode <newsposter@cthulhu.demon.nl>
Message-Id: <8244mr$n6u$1@internal-news.uu.net>

Jonathan Stowe <gellyfish@gellyfish.com> wrote:

> Oh and I read *everything* (my newsreader puts a K in front of killed things).

Cool newsreader ;)



Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 12:29:05 -0800
From: David Cassell <cassell@mail.cor.epa.gov>
Subject: Re: perl modules for socket stuff
Message-Id: <38458511.3AE22CC9@mail.cor.epa.gov>

dave fleet wrote:
> Further to my previous posting, I am trying to find:-
> winsock.pm

Please stop asking for this.  It doesn't exist at CPAN.
It doesn't exist.  And you shouldn't be using an OS-specific
module when you can use Socket.pm and IO::Socket to do 
the same things.

> HTTP:: module/s
> URI:: module/s

You can't find these on CPAN ?  You're kidding.

No here's what *I* don't understand.  You're posting from
a win32 box.  You want something to do with Winsock, which
is win32.  But you're posting in comp.unix.programmer.

If you want win32 modules, then you should be using ActiveState
Perl and using their ppm program to install the modules from
their website. [www.activestate.com]  Some of the modules you
appear to want will come with the install, without your
having to search any farther.  But this is so non-unix that
I'm taking comp.unix.programmer off the Newsgroups: line.

David Cassell, OAO                     cassell@mail.cor.epa.gov
Senior computing specialist
mathematical statistician


Date: 1 Dec 1999 20:54:26 -0000
From: Jonathan Stowe <gellyfish@gellyfish.com>
Subject: Re: perl modules for socket stuff
Message-Id: <8241u2$fip$1@gellyfish.btinternet.com>

In comp.lang.perl.misc dave fleet <d.fleet@virgin.net> wrote:
> Further to my previous posting, I am trying to find:-
> winsock.pm
> HTTP:: module/s
> URI:: module/s
> I can't find them at CPAN or anywhere else.
> I'm trying to access files from remote sites.
> Can anyone please help?

Why do you keep posting this stuff as a response to other threads.

There is no winsock.pm.

Go back to <http://www.cpan.org>

Jonathan Stowe <jns@gellyfish.com>
Hastings: <URL:http://dmoz.org/Regional/UK/England/East_Sussex/Hastings>


Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 12:48:22 -0800
From: David Cassell <cassell@mail.cor.epa.gov>
Subject: Re: perl source code formatter?
Message-Id: <38458996.BA4C172@mail.cor.epa.gov>

Joachim Gann wrote:
> Hello,
> is there a "perl source code formatter" or "source beautifier"
> that does for perl what cb does for C?

This is a FAQ.  

Short answer: don't bother, just write code more readably.

David Cassell, OAO                     cassell@mail.cor.epa.gov
Senior computing specialist
mathematical statistician


Date: 16 Sep 99 21:33:47 GMT (Last modified)
From: Perl-Users-Request@ruby.oce.orst.edu (Perl-Users-Digest Admin) 
Subject: Digest Administrivia (Last modified: 16 Sep 99)
Message-Id: <null>


The Perl-Users Digest is a retransmission of the USENET newsgroup
comp.lang.perl.misc.  For subscription or unsubscription requests, send
the single line:

	subscribe perl-users
	unsubscribe perl-users

to almanac@ruby.oce.orst.edu.  

| NOTE: The mail to news gateway, and thus the ability to submit articles
| through this service to the newsgroup, has been removed. I do not have
| time to individually vet each article to make sure that someone isn't
| abusing the service, and I no longer have any desire to waste my time
| dealing with the campus admins when some fool complains to them about an
| article that has come through the gateway instead of complaining
| to the source.

To submit articles to comp.lang.perl.announce, send your article to

To request back copies (available for a week or so), send your request
to almanac@ruby.oce.orst.edu with the command "send perl-users x.y",
where x is the volume number and y is the issue number.

For other requests pertaining to the digest, send mail to
perl-users-request@ruby.oce.orst.edu. Do not waste your time or mine
sending perl questions to the -request address, I don't have time to
answer them even if I did know the answer.

End of Perl-Users Digest V9 Issue 1540

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