[946] in Release_7.7_team

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notes, 4/29

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Mike Barker)
Mon May 5 16:21:05 1997

To: release-team@MIT.EDU
Date: Mon, 05 May 1997 16:21:03 EDT
From: Mike Barker <mbarker@MIT.EDU>

Attending: ghudson, wdc, cfields, dot, kcunning, othomas, jenny (the
new F_L whose email name I don't know yet), mbarker, brlewis

1.  Release Status
	Alpha in progress.  Few reports of problems.
	- kcunning will have draft release notes by 5/6
	- dot will dig up the beta lists
	- greg hopes to incorporate SGI open inventor in time for beta
	- greg plans to commit Bert's OLC client fixes

2.  Bill is going to bless dot's fixes to the library locker

3.  SGI could provide a point patch from 1268, but pressuring them
into doing that work isn't needed at present.

4.  AFSuser needs setup sun4x_55 and testing (we may try to have Bob
Basch help with this, should coordinate with jweiss)

5.  dot is going to run a fixit over the @sys links.

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