[7977] in Release_7.7_team

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Linerva transition meeting today

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Alex Dehnert)
Tue Jan 28 13:18:46 2014

Message-ID: <52E7F47A.905@dehnerts.com>
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 13:18:34 -0500
From: Alex Dehnert <alex@dehnerts.com>
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To: linerva@mit.edu
CC: release-team@mit.edu
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We met with Jonathon today to discuss how we would carry out the 
linerva->athena.dialup transition. Tentative plan, assuming that the 
rest of Ops and Linerva maintainers are okay with it, is to replace the 
Linerva sshds with something that rejects your login with a message 
about athena.dialup, and to run a high-port sshd for recovering dead 
sessions (aka plan 2 in the notes).

I've attached limited notes from the meeting.


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- Plan 1: use an F5 to do IP-based load balancing and give Ops linerva's keys
  - original plan, but tentatively prefer plan 2 (see below)
  - users connecting to linerva/linux are expecting linerva's ssh key; athena.dialup users expect athena.dialup's keys
  - run two sshds, F5 to load-balance (linerva, but not athena.dialup)
  - need to run two sslh's as well
  - either two SIABs or run SIAB with SNI
  - mosh breaks with IP-based load-balancing; get Keith to change the Athena mosh wrapper to check for an environment variable and tell you to use athena.dialup instead if you use linerva (geofft)
  - ports open on linerva:

    22/tcp    open  ssh (linerva sshd)
    79/tcp    open  finger (actively break - it's one of five machines) 
    80/tcp    open  http (port-forward to athena.dialup - just a redirect to SIAB)
    111/tcp   open  rpcbind (not user-facing)
    443/tcp   open  https (linerva sslh)
    5666/tcp  open  nrpe (not user-facing)
    8080/tcp  open  http-proxy (linerva sshd)
    49155/tcp open  unknown (actively break - it's one of five machines)

    User stuff - not an issue
    5901/tcp  open  vnc-1
    5902/tcp  open  vnc-2
    5903/tcp  open  vnc-3
    5904/tcp  open  unknown
    6001/tcp  open  X11:1
    6002/tcp  open  X11:2
    6003/tcp  open  X11:3
    6004/tcp  open  X11:4

  - give jweiss (temporary?) root on linerva so he can grab the ssh keys
  - need to disable strict acceptor check 

- Plan 2:
  - disable logins using linerva's usual sshds; say something like "Linerva is being decomissioned. Use IS&T's athena.dialup.mit.edu instead, or see http://some-kbish-entry for details."
  - run an sshd on a high port that we can tell people about who want to access dead sessions and for maintainers
  - probably our preferred plan (less effort), assuming non-attending Ops and Linerva folks are okay with it

- notifying current linerva users
  - transition Friday morning
  - motd, email to linerva-announce@, wall
  - a week with dr-wily usable, then start soliciting people who want to be able to keep logging in, then go limited-access

- hostnames changing
  - asked about emailing people with processes running; jweiss will think about it and is not strictly opposed
  - another possibility: Ops will run a tiny "dialup" that no-knife.mit.edu, scrubbing-bubles.mit.edu, etc. resolve to, that displays a message like "This dialup is no longer in use. ssh to athena.dialup.mit.edu instead, or read http://so-kb-entry." and then disconnects you


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