[797] in Release_7.7_team

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Re: Patches available for Solaris2.5.1

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (John Hawkinson)
Sun Dec 15 22:53:56 1996

Date: Sun, 15 Dec 1996 22:53:53 -0500
To: miki@MIT.EDU
Cc: release-team@MIT.EDU
In-Reply-To: "[794] in Release_7.7_team"
From: John Hawkinson <jhawk@MIT.EDU>

Sorry, I was at IETF last week and am catching up.

>    As I am working on the Solaris2.5 release, I am soliciting
> requests for necessary patches. Usually we apply recommanded and
> security patches available for a Sun release. We apply as well any
> patches required for a specific product you know of.

I would like to see Sun's multicast patches applied.  They are
available from


This patch includes 2 things, basically:

	1)	Current version of kernel support for multicast routing.
	This is essential if anyone wants to run a multicast router on
	a Solaris machine. If the stock kernel is used instead, it severely
	disrupts the rest of the network.
	2)	IGMP version 2. This is not a big deal.

I've been running this on my 2.5.1 machine at work and have seen no
problems in the past 4 months or so.


        README file for Multicast Kernel 3.5/ Mrouted 3.8 for Solaris 2.5.1.
The necessary files are in 
Retrieve the tarfile, uncompress and tar it. In the resulting
Solaris_mc35.2.5.1-patch directory is a file called INSTALL_NOTES which
provides instructions for installing the files using an install
script, install.multi, also provided in the directory.
The usual Solaris package and patch methods of installation are not
The kernel modules replaced are ip, arp, icmp, udp and tcp. This
version includes the following patches :
   PatchID                Modules affected
|  103630-01    |       /kernel/drv/ip          | 
|               |       /usr/sbin/ifconfig      |
|               |       /sbin/ifconfig          |
|  103582-01    |       /kernel/drv/tcp         |
After installing the multicast kernel 3.5, if you later 
install a patch which replaces these modules,
you will have to reinstall the kernel multicast 3.5.  
This tarfile also contains the following Solaris multicast bug fixes
1. A race condition in the igmp module that causes panic in a mutithreaded machine
2. The membership to INADDR_ANY was wrongly reports by a multicast router.
If you have problems or comments please send mail to solmulti@sunroof.sun.com

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