[725] in Release_7.7_team

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Re: dash menus

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Craig Fields)
Wed Sep 25 11:41:00 1996

Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 11:40:37 -0400
From: Craig Fields <cfields@MIT.EDU>
To: ghudson@MIT.EDU
Cc: release-team@MIT.EDU, f_l@MIT.EDU

> In actual practice, all of the hosttypes are symlinks to ., and
> Dash.menus.80 is a symlink to Dash.menus.77.

The 80->77 link was a workaround until 8.0 was released. At release
time, 80 should have become a copy of 77 and further edits should have
started happening on 80. This was originally a requirement so that 7.7
machines left behind could run forever and ever amen without losing
due to new 8.0 changes. I would guess this is still a requirement,
so this is a bug, and I should have remembered to inform the f_l's
about it.

The only thing I remember about selecting by platform was that we
thought it might be a useful thing to have. I don't know if anyone had
anything specific in mind. Given that we've never actually used it (as
far as I know), the probability is low that we ever will. If we ever
decided we wanted it back, it could probably be returned with just a
vos release.


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