[723] in Release_7.7_team

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Release glue and a standard locker layour

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Greg Hudson)
Wed Sep 25 10:58:23 1996

Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 10:58:12 -0400
From: Greg Hudson <ghudson@MIT.EDU>
To: release-team@MIT.EDU

Right now the release has "glue" to the following lockers:

	modem (kermit)
	olc-stock (olc_answers, program is olc-browser in locker)
	techinfo (techinfo, xtechinfo)
	pgp (verify-message)
	xmit (xinfo)
	sunsoft (cc)
	sunsoft (f77)
	moira (blanche, mailmaint, moira, namespace, mrcheck, chfn,
		chpobox, chsh, userreg, addusr)
	help (help, olh)

One of the principles I'm trying to get the build system to obey is
that it should depend only on the source tree, not on random parts of
the athena cell.  So running "athdir" at build time is a lose.
Therefore, I want all of the above lockers to be using the standard
locker layout by the time of the 8.1 release.

attach-and-add scripts will read


	if [ ! -x /mit/LOCKERNAME ]; then
		attach -q LOCKERNAME

where LOCKERNAME, SYSNAME, and PROGRAMNAME are substituted in at
compile time.

Right now, olc-stock, techinfo, pgp, sunsoft, moira, and help are all
set for this to work.  That means mkserv, modem, sis, and xmit need to
be updated to the new locker layout before the 8.1 release.

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