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Re: /afs/athena/system/help/arch/share/bin/olh

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Craig Fields)
Wed Sep 18 14:19:50 1996

Date: Wed, 18 Sep 1996 14:14:43 -0400
From: Craig Fields <cfields@MIT.EDU>
To: brlewis@MIT.EDU
Cc: vrt@MIT.EDU, cwis-dev@MIT.EDU, kcunning@MIT.EDU, release-team@MIT.EDU

> You are the only people with access to the olh script.  Maybe there
> needs to be a new access control scheme here.


> Anyway, kcunning would like it to be changed to use netscape instead of
> Mosaic.  Can one of you do that?

I don't think this is something we should just do. It's probably a
release-team issue (this is more or less in the release, but also
changable), and there may be issues noone has considered. Mark just
pointed out that such a change would break private DECstations.


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