[664] in Release_7.7_team

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Re: new release?

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Craig Fields)
Sun Jul 28 20:42:34 1996

Date: Sun, 28 Jul 1996 20:42:29 -0400
From: Craig Fields <cfields@MIT.EDU>
To: ghudson@MIT.EDU
Cc: release-team@MIT.EDU

>         * sendmail got installed setuid builder by
>           /build/athena/config/files/Solaris.  fix_owners didn't
>           fix it because it was setiud:
> ...
> Why did we never have this problem before?  I don't know.  I used to
> wisk athena/config to put out patch releases, and it didn't cause this
> problem, as far as I know.

Two reasons:

First, wisk has

	# If no owner is specified to install, default to root.
	setenv INSTOPT "-o root" 

in an effort to make more stuff owned by root before fix_owners

Second, previous Solaris builds were probably built by root onto local
disk, then tarred to AFS. (If it wasn't the case that these files were
installed by hand to begin with.)


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