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Analysis of utmp problems in Athena 8.0 for Solaris

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Greg Hudson)
Wed May 22 04:06:03 1996

Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 04:05:58 -0400
From: Greg Hudson <ghudson@MIT.EDU>
To: release-team@MIT.EDU, sol24@MIT.EDU

Okay, for the benefit of those concerned, here is everything I know
about utmp screwiness in the Athena 8.0 Solaris release.  First, some

	* Solaris doesn't require programs to be setuid to update the
	  utmp file.  If the library function can't write to the
	  utmp file, it will invoke a setuid program named
	  /usr/lib/utmp_update which will do it.

	* utmp entries can be tagged as having been generated by a
	  normal user by setting the ut_exit.e_exit field to 2.
	  utmp_update does this, as does xterm (so even if xterm is
	  setuid, it will still write utmp entries tagged as having
	  been generated by a normal user).

	* utmp entries also have a type field, which can be a number
	  of values, the most interesting of which are USER_PROCESS
	  and DEAD_PROCESS.  A USER_PROCESS entry is a running process
	  (a remote login, an xterm, etc.) while a DEAD_PROCESS entry
	  is one that used to be a USER_PROCESS entry except its
	  process died.

	* There is a daemon called utmpd which has the job of cleaning
	  the utmp file.  It does so by polling the process IDs
	  mentioned in utmp entries, and cleaning up utmp entries
	  whose processes have died.  It finds out about process
	  IDs both from the libc utmp routines (which informs it
	  through the named pipe /etc/utmppipe) and from scanning the
	  utmp file periodically.

Okay, things that are possibly wrong:

	* A change in the Solaris 2.4 /bin/finger causes it to ignore
	  utmp entries flagged as created by normal users.  So if you
	  "finger @machine", you will see only the entries created by
	  the user's login, not entries created by xterm.

	* This is not new in Solaris 2.4, but "/bin/finger -s
	  username" (corresponding to "finger username@machine") lists
	  DEAD_PROCESS entries for the user as well as USER_PROCESS
	  entries.  So you see a lot of utmp entries corresponding to
	  nonexistent processes.

	* I've seen utmp ghosts from time to time (USER_PROCESS
	  entries corresponding to really old logins), despite the
	  presence of a daemon whose goal is to eliminate them.  The
	  next time I see one, I'll investigate.

The first of these problems is a pretty serious divergence from what
we're used to on Athena machines.  In particular, if you want to
estimate out someone's idle time using the idle time on their ttys,
you have to "finger username@machinename" instead of just doing
"finger @machinename".

As most of you have noticed by now, I really hate modifying the vendor
operating system, so I am not going to do anything to address these
problems unless someone gets in contact with Sun to find out if the
first two problems are intended behavior or actual bugs.

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