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Re: mh and mime

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Mike Barker)
Sun Apr 14 23:29:32 1996

To: John Hawkinson <jhawk@MIT.EDU>
Cc: release-team@MIT.EDU, sol24@MIT.EDU, irix53@MIT.EDU
Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 23:29:21 EDT
From: Mike Barker <mbarker@MIT.EDU>

Let me summarize where I think we are now.

The Basic plan as I see it is:

1.  build in mime support in mh.

2.  set NOMHNPROC in global environment.  This means that people
will not see the mime actions (i.e., show and others will act as
they do now)

3.  remove bad mhn_defaults entries.  if there are some obvious easy
ones, we might add them.  This will help make sure that if people
try to use the mime processing, it won't be too surprising.

4.  document the state of things.  tell people how to enable mh mime
processing, warn them about pitfalls, and let the explorers scope out
the best way(s) to use it.

-) As an interim suggestion, I think we should simply remove bad entries
-) in the mhn_defaults file (e.g. the postscript printing).  This would 

-This is certainly better than leaving things as they are; my personal
-preference would be to leave the MIME support disabled (via
-environment variable or what-have-you) as well

I agree entirely--build it in, turn it off, fix it so it won't hurt
too badly if you try to use it, and let people know what we've done.

Then plan on revisiting this whole area in the fall/spring.


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