[4685] in Release_7.7_team

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Status of 9.3 Solaris public release

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Garry Zacheiss)
Tue Jul 13 07:15:23 2004

Message-Id: <200407131115.i6DBFFbK009285@m37-332-3.mit.edu>
To: release-team@MIT.EDU, ops@MIT.EDU
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2004 07:15:15 -0400
From: Garry Zacheiss <zacheiss@MIT.EDU>

The 9.3 public release for Solaris appears to have been entirely
uneventful.  I forced a hesiod DCM around 8:45pm to start machines
updating, which is earlier than last year but seems to have been
helpful.  The w20 cluster network saturated again, but by 6am, there
were only 6 machines still updating.

I quick tour of the clusters found no Suns that had failed to update due
to software issues; all the machines that hadn't updated had either
never started due to a stale login on the console or due to being out of
commission from hardware issues.


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