[3664] in Release_7.7_team

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Multi-partition Sun lists

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Greg Hudson)
Wed Jan 8 01:24:28 2003

Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2003 01:24:24 -0500
Message-Id: <200301080624.BAA06569@error-messages.mit.edu>
From: Greg Hudson <ghudson@MIT.EDU>
To: release-team@MIT.EDU

Bill asked me to come up with some slightly different lists of
multi-partition Suns than in the past.  I took notes this time; see
/mit/ghudson/tools/solpart-breakdown to see how I generated the lists,
and /mit/ghudson/scripts/contact to see how I got the contact
information from moira.

These lists are geared towards outreach, so less filtering has been
done (I didn't filter out machines installed in 1998, or machines
running pre-9.1 releases; I did filter out Sparcs, as well as stale
machine entries from the solpart discuss meeting).

A lot of the Moira contact entries aren't email addresses, or are
blank.  I can't do anything about that.

Public multi-partition Ultras (82)
aeneid                         Rich Garcia
barker-5-1                     hotline@mit.edu
barker-5-2                     hotline@mit.edu
barker-5-3                     hotline@mit.edu
barker-5-4                     hotline@mit.edu
barker-5-5                     hotline@mit.edu
barker-6-1                     hotline@mit.edu
barker-6-10                    hotline@mit.edu
barker-6-3                     hotline@mit.edu
barker-6-5                     hotline@mit.edu
barker-6-6                     hotline@mit.edu
barker-6-7                     hotline@mit.edu
barker-6-8                     hotline@mit.edu
barker-6-9                     hotline@mit.edu
buscaglia                      BCS - Athena
chulounge                      hotline@mit.edu
compton-hall                   hotline@mit.edu
condorcet                      Fuquan Gao
democratic                     Naomi Schmidt
eecs-ath-02                    Dave Foss
eecs-ath-51                    David Rho
egor                           staton@mit.edu
flog                           chsmith@mit.edu
gis-libraries                  Sarah Williams
gleason-sun                    Brett Groshong <norio@mit.edu>
gold                           Coleman Greene
grog                           chsmith@mit.edu
hotel-california               tregan@mit.edu
hume                           Fuquan Gao
kandinsky                      Thomas Fitzgerald, tfitz
kierkegaard                    BCS - Athena
kumala                         BCS - Athena
leary                          BCS - Athena
luther                         staton@mit.edu
m1-150-1                       hotline@mit.edu
m24-021-sun2                   Rachel Morton
m4-237-1                       hotline@mit.edu
mak1-sun                       John Wilhelmi
mohr-sun                       John Wilhelmi
pdlong                         Naomi Schmidt
qs-chulounge                   hotline@mit.edu
quick-w20-copy2                hotline@mit.edu
quickstation-1                 hotline@mit.edu
quickstation-11-3              hotline@mit.edu
quickstation-4                 hotline@mit.edu
rca-sun2                       Jason Suen
rotch-30                       hotline@mit.edu
rotch-31                       hotline@mit.edu
rotch-32                       hotline@mit.edu
rotch-33                       hotline@mit.edu
rotch-37                       hotline@mit.edu
rotch-ref-2                    pmn@mit.edu
ruth                           staton@mit.edu
sciences                       hotline@mit.edu
silicon                        Peter Ragone
spitz                          BCS - Athena
ssit-athena                    cado@mit.edu
sum-1                          Mary Grenham
sum-2                          Mary Grenham
sum-3                          Mary Grenham
tasun                          Greg Rutledge
unified-2                      Phyllis Collymore
w20-spare-ultra5               ops@mit.edu
writing-center                 Susanne Martin

Private multi-partition Ultras (110)
aalto                          Rob Smyser
agrea                          Stephen Connors
allegretto                     support-acs@mit.edu
arbor-eater                    ops@mit.edu
archetype                      tfitz
archfile                       archhelp@mit.edu
arizona                        jean foster
arjuna                         bbermack@mit.edu
balboa                         david rho
bandini                        BCS / Wagner - wccf
baron-ochs                     Carl Jones
barton-sun                     Paul Barton
blankschtein                   goldsipe@mit.edu
cbe                            lim
cfd3                           mariakat@mit.edu
cfd4                           Juan Vargas
chaos                          ted
charleseliot                   Rob Smyser
cist2                          Marc Mainguy
coast                          phils
computer-water                 Charles Harvey
cwistopher                     lisanti@mit.edu
dcl                            raeburn
defiant                        lcs
dip                            network@mit.edu
dit                            Alex Prengel
djali                          coc@mit.edu, jean@mit.edu
draupadi                       stellar-request
duspcom5                       Phil Thompson
duspcom6                       PHILIP THOMPSON
dw2                            hschan@mit.edu
e911                           jwelch
eecs-ath-05                    Dave Foss
eecs-ath-10                    fletch1@eecs.mit.edu
eecs-ath-14                    eecs
eecs-ath-15                    eecs
eecs-ath-32                    eecs
eecs-ath-33                    eecs
emcc                           Brian Bermack
emcc06                         Damon Burrus
eos2                           ops@mit.edu
feniosky                       Feniosky Pena-Mora
gaston                         athena-rcc
generator                      Paul Warren/Jim Kirtley
gruberj2                       Melanie Gregerman
guru                           Christine Moulen orbitee@mit.edu
hchinaski                      BCS / Wagner - wccf
helpdesk3                      hdadmin@mit.edu
hodge-podge                    sipb-staff
horus                          chris
imagery                        tfitz@mit.edu
indiana                        aurora
instatutor                     Dave Pritchard
iphigenia                      tbelton
jiffy-express                  zbt-admin
kant                           Fuquan Gao
keep                           phils@mit.edu, engler@mit.edu
l-slide                        esg-cluster-mgrs
laguna                         Hong Tran
lang                           Karen Wolrath (karen@mit.edu)
lauren                         Christine Moulen (orbitee)
lava-lamp                      Anne Salemme
lees2                          karen@mit.edu
lees3                          karen@mit.edu
leicester                      mnargi@mit.edu
libsys                         Carl Jones
locke                          Fuquan Gao
m5-332a-1                      Rory O'connor
macfadden                      Christine Moulen (orbitee)
maleficent                     athena-rcc@mit.edu
malgosia                       Carl Jones
marthas-vineyard               hoffmann@mit.edu
matrix                         karen@mit.edu
mayon                          Yunpeng Wang
mcrae                          Brett Groshong <norio@mit.edu>
mephistopheles                 ops@mit.edu
mindsun                        Mary Grenham
mr-jones                       smcguire
nevis-sun                      rutledge@MIT.EDU
oobleck                        esg-cluster-mgrs@mit.edu
origen                         carlj
paddington                     hoffmann@mit.edu
pelee                          Yunpeng Wang
penzance                       BCS / Kanwisher - wccf
pick-gun                       esg-cluster-mgrs
pizarro                        orlando@mit.edu
prophecy-girl                  ops@mit.edu
psb-cwis2                      Suzana Lisanti
rca-sun                        Jason Suen
saarinen                       phils@mit.edu, engler@mit.edu
samarkand                      Rene Kim
slotine                        angelao
snowdrop                       sturner, khiggins
sweet-transvestite             zacheiss
thornton                       karen
ulm-student                    ulm@mit.edu
urania                         ops@mit.edu
waves                          ccmei@mit.edu, sfrankel@mit.edu
weepecket                      BCS / Kanwisher - wccf
whip                           ops@mit.edu
x15-cruise-basselope           sipb-staff
yoda-wccf                      wccf

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