[355] in Release_7.7_team

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schedule for summer '96 release

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (brlewis@MIT.EDU)
Thu Sep 14 17:21:16 1995

From: brlewis@MIT.EDU
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 95 17:20:57 -0400
To: release-team@MIT.EDU

At today's meeting I presented a draft schedule for the summer '96
Athena release that was radically earlier than past releases.  Sentiment
at the meeting pushed it even earlier.

Here's what I believe we decided:


Before September 21, I will send (to: dryfoo cc: release-team) a form
with the information we need to fully understand the nature, costs and
benefits of any proposed release item.  Gary will work on putting
together an online form.  Release team members give input.

Sep 28 - Release team meeting.
Final blessing is given to the announcement / request for release items.

Oct 2 - Publicize request for candidate release items.
We send to some selected mailing lists specific instructions and a
pointer to a form to fill out, so that people can provide complete
information about things they think should go into the release.

Oct 31 - Cutoff date for candidate release items.

Nov 1-8 - Compilation of candidate release items.
A database is created with info about all the release items.  A
compilation is printed out with descriptions, etc. for each item.

Nov 9-15 - Release team homework.
Everyone reads about all the candidate items.  If something's unclear,
send questions in email.

Nov 16 - Marathon meeting 1.  (Lunch provided?)
Members of the release team show up with an understanding of what all
the candidate items are, and we work on prioritizing them.

Nov 17-29 - Discussion continues via email.

Nov 30 - Marathon meeting 2.  (Lunch provided?)
We make the final decision as to which items go in the release and which

Dec 1 - Let the development begin!


Feb 5 - Code Cut (also Registration day).
Rel-eng begins integration/builds.  Bad code is rejected and sent back
to developer for revision.  Rel-eng has 7 weeks to complete the builds,
make packs and do alpha testing.

Mar 25 - Test Phase 1
Volunteers ("friendly testers") take the new release on their private
workstations.  A few well-marked test machines in public clusters also

Apr 16 - Test Phase 2 (day after Pat's Day; students still on holiday)
All private workstations of I/S staff are updated, unless the owner
gives a compelling reason why they shouldn't.  One public cluster is

May 10 - Non-doctoral theses due.

May 20-24 - Final exam week.

Jun 7 - Graduation (Friday).

Jun 10 - Release goes to the field (Monday).

Jul xx - Patch release?

Aug 18 - First new students arrive on campus.

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