[3021] in Release_7.7_team

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Subset of Release Team Tomorrow in N42 at 1:30.

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Bill Cattey)
Tue Oct 16 18:06:04 2001

Message-ID: <Uvn_x_9z0001Qr8H88@mit.edu>
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2001 22:06:02 +0000 ()
From: Bill Cattey <wdc@MIT.EDU>
To: release-team@MIT.EDU, jjv@MIT.EDU, sbjones@MIT.EDU, usability@MIT.EDU


DONT come to Release Team tomorrow in W92.
INSTEAD, if you are interested in being an active participant in
the Zephyr GUI stuff, come to the N42 Demo Center at 1:30.


Greg Hudson, Susan Jones, Tom Thornton and I have pondered the right way
to proceed with the Zephyr GUI work.  

There is no business for Release Team tomorrow other than Zephyr GUI.
So people uninterested in Zephyr GUI should PUNT release team.

It seems appropriate to involve more of The Usability Team than just
Susan Jones.  Instead of bringing Susan, by herself, to Release Team,
I've accepted her invitiation to bring Release Team members to her
Usability Team meeting.  That meeting is at 1:30 in the N42 Demo center.

Jonathan Venezian will be joining the meeting to demonstrate WinZephyr.
Greg Hudson will have Linux versions of the 2 candidate UNIX Zephyr

Susan has proposed we do a "heuristic review".  I don't fully understand
what a heuristic review is, but I'll share my present understanding: 
Members of the Usability Team, and developers, and other interested
parties produce a list of common tasks, and then for one or more systems
(and the systems could be just cardboard cutout demos) the tasks are
attempted.  The goal is to come up with a reasonably refined sense of
what users do, and how usable a system is for a particular set of users
and tasks.

I have produced a document that gives prioritized lists of functionality
distilled from earlier AUI discussions:

So, for the heuristic review, we would review my doc, produce 10 tasks
to try, and try them with win-zephyr, and the two UNIX GUI's.


P.S.  I am sorry that I am so late getting this out. I meant to do it
Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, but just was unable to get it
sorted out.

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