[2872] in Release_7.7_team

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Should we officially "Give up" on temporary help for debugging 9.0?

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Bill Cattey)
Thu Jul 26 19:01:31 2001

Message-ID: <kvM_585z0001F0K4Na@mit.edu>
Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 23:01:28 +0000 ()
From: Bill Cattey <wdc@MIT.EDU>
To: release-team@MIT.EDU

	Contracting for Mike Whitson fell through.
	Heather-Anne's contact had insufficient experience.
	Andrew's contact was unavailable.
	9.0 went public this week.

Informally I've heard that we should abandon our search for "temporary
help with testing and debugging the release" from ghudson and zacheiss.

I've watched as Mitch Berger, Beland, Larry Stone, and Bob Basch have
made themselves extra useful in the past few weeks.  I think we also got
more than our documented 40% share of Garry Zacheiss, as well as some
help beyond 15% of Jonathon Weiss.

I suggest that I send email to rferrara, tomt,  and adolan saying,
essentially, that we're abandoning the search for temporary help, and
that Bob, Mitch, Larry and extra fractions of Jonathon and Garry have
helped fill in for some of our resource gap.  And that we should focus
our efforts on understanding the long term resource needs of the Athena
Unix Platform Team, and the priority-relationship with other teams so
that we understand what resources we should be getting.

My purpose in wanting to send this note is to be explicit:
	We're focusing on a different resource issue looking to the future.
	We didn't get the extra outside help we wanted, but managed to get some
extra help.
	We're being very explicit in describing our resource "burn rate", and
our work to keep within our means.

I'd like to hear explicity yay or nay, at least, from amb, miki,
ghudson, zacheiss, and jweiss as primary stakeholders in our "official"
outward communications.

Reminder: rferrara and tomt are on the release-team list, so they will
see our internal discussion about this before we make an official
presentation to them, and adolan.


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