[2083] in Release_7.7_team

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Joe Welch is the point man for the Linux pilot deploy

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Bill Cattey)
Thu Feb 3 16:25:04 2000

Message-ID: <gsaT8dsGgE6e0RetI0@mit.edu>
Date: Thu,  3 Feb 2000 16:24:57 -0500 (EST)
From: Bill Cattey <wdc@MIT.EDU>
To: release-team@MIT.EDU, tb@MIT.EDU, zacheiss@MIT.EDU
CC: joewelch@MIT.EDU

I just got off the phone with Joe Welch.
He is the one who will be doing the actual removal of Sparc 4's 
and installation of the Linux boxes.

He has put this work onto his calendar for Tuesday morning.
He plans to rendezvous with Thomas or someone either in E40 in the
3:00PM to 5:00 pm timeframe Monday, or perhaps in the SIPB office if he
catches Thomas there earlier.  (This note represents the semi-official
invitation to Thomas to choose the time and place he'd like to meet with
Joe to hand him the Floppy and instructions)

Joe is emailing zacheiss with the names and IP addresses of the machines
that will need Hesiod information.


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