[205] in Release_7.7_team

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Meeting Minutes 11/10/94

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Dorothy Bowe)
Tue Nov 15 09:27:43 1994

To: release-team@MIT.EDU
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 1994 09:27:29 EST
From: Dorothy Bowe <dot@MIT.EDU>

In attendance:	Dot, Bruce, Anne, Mike, Matt, JJ, Mark, Craig, Gary
Next meeting:	Thursday, Nov. 11 at 10:30 

1. Report on Action Items and Questions

  a) RS/6000 and AIX 3.2.5

     - DCNS is working on moving RS/6000s to staff desks
     - Tim will talk to JJ about updating existing workstations
     - As of now, we hope/expect to update workstations on demand but
       not to tackle public clusters yet.
     - Will deal with this issue later after seeing how staff machines
       work out.

     -> Question: dealing with SPARC 5's and gigabyte drives, as
       dcns-cluster is having problems with installation.  JJ will deal.

  b) Sound in public clusters
     - Mike is talking to various interested parties and formulating a
       policy proposal.  It is not considered a release issue but the
       release team will abreast of developments.

  c) Root's .profile changes

     - Bruce has submitted a proposed fix.  Release team plans to
       include as part of the January release.

  d) Who will do Emacs 19 if we can get it done for January? 

     - Mark has volunteered.
     - This lead to a discussion concerning documentation for this
       release. Since most items are user-invisible, we do not plan on
       publishing printed notes but rather use a MOTD plus online
       information.  In particular, the availability of Emacs 19 and
       additional add functionality need to be documented *if* they
     - The team wishes to see the details of the add implementation once
       they are settled.  

2. Discussion of new suggestions

   We considered 6 items suggested since we began meeting.  Three were
   rejected as "not a release issue" with proposals for implementing
   them outside of the release.  Dot will get back to Steve Ellis
   who made the suggestions.  

   o Ability to control access to private workstations by time of day
   o Private cluster MOTD
   o Better control over access to private workstations

   Two others were deemed possible for a summer release and moved into

   o Way to execute only certain commands with superuser privs.
   o Make OLC/OLTA use the $PAGER environment variable instead of
   Discussion of the last item was postponed until Carla returns.

3. Discussion of items for Summer release

   The remainder of the meeting was spent discussing items suggested for
   inclusion in the summer release.  The evolving status is documented
   in the release77 locker as

   The remaining items will be considered at our next meeting on
   Thursday, November 17.

4. Schedule for January release

   12/1/94		Code cut
   12/19/94		Start of first round testing
   1/10/95		Start of early cluster testing
   1/31/95		Field Release 

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