[2026] in Release_7.7_team

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Linux/Athena roll out plan

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Thomas Bushnell, BSG)
Mon Jan 10 15:23:27 2000

Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 15:23:16 -0500 (EST)
Message-Id: <200001102023.PAA452268@m2-225-5.mit.edu>
From: tb@MIT.EDU (Thomas Bushnell, BSG)
To: rferrara@mit.edu, wdc@mit.edu
CC: release-team@mit.edu

First, a current status update:

There are some small bugs that remain in my pending bugs list and some
bugs of similar size that have been reported but not processed
(because I was relaxing on a beach in Mexico last week).  There have
been no show-stopper bugs, nothing beyond minor annoyances of various
sorts, after a short period of initial problems.  

So this means that the layered product is happy and functional, and
will be all ready to go by the end of the month.

The cluster product consists of the layered product plus and install
and update process.  I will be syncing with Karl Ramm this week and I
should be able to finalize the install process this week.  I will be
out of town the third week of January, but I imagine no difficulty
with having a working update procedure in place the last week of
January.  (The only question will be how automatic the update process
is from a release engineering standpoint.)

I don't have any good understanding of how this intersects with the
physical cluster installation, but I'd like to gain one.  While the
install will be ready this week, I'm not confident that I can have the
skeleton of the update process ready, so that means that I imagine the
cluster machines should not be installed until the last week of


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