[1988] in Release_7.7_team

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Re: Netscape mail privacy?

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Bruce R. Lewis)
Tue Nov 9 14:07:26 1999

Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1999 14:07:06 -0500 (EST)
Message-Id: <199911091907.OAA22063@ten-thousand-dollar-bill.mit.edu>
From: "Bruce R. Lewis" <brlewis@ALUM.MIT.EDU>
To: "t. belton" <tbelton@mit.edu>
CC: release-team@mit.edu, cwis-dev@mit.edu
In-reply-to: "[1984] in Release_7.7_team"

   Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1999 11:34:08 -0500 (EST)
   From: "t. belton" <tbelton@MIT.EDU>

   OK. So far I've heard about five solutions. I agree this needs fixing in
   some way. The question for the panel is: Which solution is best? I would
   rather not implement until I'm sure I'm doing the Right Thing (tm).

The option that would be least likely to break things in unanticipated
ways would be to use send_message in the netscape-movemail script to
warn the user that nsmail is unsupported, that there have been known
cases of lost mail, and that the nsmail folder is not as private.  The
main netscape script already depends on send_message, so this would
create no new dependencies.

It should take about an hour to implement -- one minute coding, one
minute testing, one minute code review, and 57 minutes coming up with
the right wording for the warning message.  Then you're free to move on
to higher-priority items.

Finding the right wording will be tricky in that you have to decide how
specific to be about what the privacy issue is and what the user can do
about it.

(indicted by rlog ~infoagents/arch/share/bin/netscape-movemail)

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