[1294] in Release_7.7_team

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Re: Notes, 6/2

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Todd Belton)
Thu Jun 4 11:14:18 1998

Date: Thu, 04 Jun 1998 11:14:11 -0400
From: Todd Belton <tbelton@MIT.EDU>
To: Mike Barker <mbarker@MIT.EDU>, Bill Cattey <wdc@MIT.EDU>
Cc: release-team@MIT.EDU

A couple of thoughts from someone who wasn't there (well, shucks, I'm
not involved in the release, but maybe I should show up anyway).

> All Indies should be upgraded to at least 64 MB.  Users should be advised to
> check using hinv, sysinfo, or machtype -M how much memory their system has.
> If it is 32 MB, they need to upgrade.

As noted to Bill on 6/2, there is at least one person over in N42 with a
32MB Indy - Debby Levinson - and she seems to think there may be others;
she says that to the best of her knowledge Suzana Lisanti was never
asked about this.

She has several memory choices in front of her - she'll talk to Bill
about which one he recommends she purchase - but more importantly, she
wants to know roughly when 8.2 is going to try to auto-update (i.e. how
long she has to buy and install that memory).

> there is discussion of who to talk to about changing the default Netscape.  We
> recommend that the infoagents locker maintainers discuss the move with
> the release team, fuzzballs, and the integration team as appropriate -- and
> make the decision.

Infoagents maintainer - that's me. CWIS and the faculty liaisons therein
want to go ahead with the change, or at the very least add 4.05 to Dash.
Fuzzballs seem positive - most of them are already using it, assuming
they use a graphical browser at all.

Only technical glitch is that we have to warn users that their prefs and
certificates may not carry over, and I've determined that's doable.

Suzana recommends that I write up the pros and cons and hash it over
with integration. Bill, you seemed to think that was maybe unnecessary
(or so was my impression on 6/2). Any further thoughts? I seem to be the
driver for Netscape issues now, de facto.



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