[125] in Release_7.7_team

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daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Kevin M Cunningham)
Wed Jul 13 13:31:25 1994

To: release-77@MIT.EDU, testers@MIT.EDU
Cc: kcunning@MIT.EDU, cavan@MIT.EDU, belville@MIT.EDU
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 1994 13:31:05 EDT
From: Kevin M Cunningham <kcunning@MIT.EDU>

Howdy all,

For staff test, I revised my earlier draft of the Athena 7.7 Release notes
with the feedback I had gotten (mostly corrections and some reorganization,
but also a few new topics).  I had about 200 copies xeroxed for B11, E40, and
the test machines.  These documents (along with the "test this machine!"
posters) are already available by the test machines, and the rest should be in
piles in B11 and E40 soon (if they aren't there already).

The document is also available electronically via OLH:

	help @rel77:main_menu

WARNING: the paper draft contains a few errors of fact that were not caught
until after the xeroxing:

	* the discussion of X Server ACLs is technically off, and the
	  recommended workaround is sub-optimal (you shouldn't use xhost
	  to put the local machine name in the X ACL; instead, you should
	  use :0 at the DISPLAY prompt when you rlogin)

	* the discussion of the eos/grade Guide option is technically
	  inaccurate (I misrepresented how Guide worked in 7.6, so the
	  "moral" of the story is incomprehensible).

(Thanks to Craig and Bill for their input on these errors.  mea culpa.)

Both of these sections are being corrected in OLH right away, and will of
course be fixed for the Final Version of the document.  I apologize for their
presence in the Staff Test paper draft.

Thanks for reading, and of course, send me any corrections or suggestions you
can think of!


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