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[yandros@MIT.EDU: Re: Bug about emacs not finding discuss]

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Carla Fermann)
Thu Jun 23 09:44:58 1994

To: release-77@MIT.EDU
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 1994 09:44:35 EDT
From: Carla Fermann <carla@MIT.EDU>

Well, I don't know if it "should" go here either, but I'll forward it


------- Forwarded Message
From: yandros@MIT.EDU
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 94 16:16:30 EDT
To: epeisach@MIT.EDU
Cc: vrt@MIT.EDU, rel-eng@MIT.EDU, testers@MIT.EDU, epeisach@MIT.EDU
In-Reply-To: <9406221711.AA01902@kangaroo.mit.edu> (message from Ezra Peisach on Wed, 22 Jun 1994 13:11:57 EDT)
Subject: Re: Bug about emacs not finding discuss
X-Shabby: not
Content-Length: 848

I'm interested in wether all those command-line options want to be
added back in now.  No other version of emacs that I know of has them
or will have them; the FSF way to do what Jonathon wanted is `emacs
- -rn foo'.  When I talked to Calvin about the integration he did
(adding those options Way Back When) he said he'd regretted it, and
when I was approached about building emacs for solaris, I was told
that I could leave those out, at lesat for the first round.

Is now the time to get rid of these options and educate the users?  Or
perhaps should we wait and take that change whenever we migrate to

This seems mostly like a user-education issue, so perhaps testers
isn't the best place for it.  I'm not going to forward it to
release-77, but anyone who knows where it `should' go should feel free
to forward it, please. :-)


------- End of Forwarded Message

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