[1001] in Release_7.7_team

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notes, 6/10, late

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Mike Barker)
Tue Jun 17 08:38:23 1997

To: release-team@MIT.EDU
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 1997 08:38:22 EDT
From: Mike Barker <mbarker@MIT.EDU>

attending: jweiss, ghudson, cfields, mbarker, dot

1. release status - now working on 8.1.4.  early targeted for about
june 15, general about July 15.

Should check with cluster about July 15 being clear.

2.  mkserv - we believe discuss, remote, mail, and ops are probably
okay.  knfs is the main "missing service" which we think is necessary
before general release.  fallback would be to have those users who use
this not update for a while.

[I believe Bill and Miki said this would not be a problem, that the
work is just a few days and it will be done before general release.]

3.  Dot's problem with tokens and moira -- caused by attach-and-run
script change -- jweiss will fix


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