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Manual update instructions for 8.2

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Jonathon Weiss)
Wed Jul 29 15:34:59 1998

From: Jonathon Weiss <jweiss@MIT.EDU>
To: release-announce@MIT.EDU
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 15:34:46 EDT

Several poeple have aske me how to update machines that did not
automatically update themselves (generally this occurs because you
have set AUTOUPDATE to false in /etc/athena/rc.conf.)

	* Use ^P at the xlogin window to request a console login, and
	  log in as root.

	* If you have a remotely accessable machine, make sure no one
	  is logged in remotely.

	* Run:
		detach -a

	* Attach the new system packs, depending on your platform:
	  Sun:	attach -O athena-sun4sys-82
	  Indy:	attach -O athena-sgi62sys-82
	  O2:	attach -O athena-sgi63sys-82

	* Run:
	  (Note that for some SGI Indy's, the update may take as long
	  as 5 or 6 hours, SGI O2s and suns should update much faster
	  than that.*)

	* If the system is an O2, run "reboot" after the update is
	  complete (there is no reboot during the update since the OS
	  is not being upgraded).  On other systems you will have a
	  chance to inspect the system before the final reboot, but
	  there are instructions so it's obvious what you're supposed
	  to do.  If you are updating from an earlier patch release of
	  8.2, you will need to type reboot, regardless of what type
	  of machien you are updating.

	* If you care to look over what the update did, there should
	  be a complete log in /var/athena/update.log

* Some of you undoubetedly noted updates that were still running when
  you got in in the morning.  This was due to having so many machines
  updating at once, and should not affect machines that are update by

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