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InfoPrint Manager Hardware: Next Steps

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Rocklyn E. Clarke)
Thu Jun 22 22:26:23 2000

Date:         Thu, 22 Jun 00 22:11:33 EDT
From: "Rocklyn E. Clarke" <RCLARKE@MITVMA.MIT.EDU>
To: Enterprise Print Delivery Team <PRINTDEL@MIT.EDU>
cc: Peter B Kelley <kelley@MIT.EDU>
Message-Id:   <000622.222535.EDT.RCLARKE@MITVMA.MIT.EDU>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
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Hi Team,

After the IBM conference call, Jeff Bant and I had a chance to talk with
Peter about the hardware.  I informed him that the RS6000s would not be
purchased with matching grants, so we were unconstrained in our choice of
vendors.  Peter pointed out the following issue which we need to resolve:

The server is going to be located several yards away from the spot where
the operators will actually do their monitoring/queue management.  As a
result, it is probably no longer appropriate to order a large monitor for
the server itself.  We do however need to determine the appropriate way for
the operators to communicate with the server.  Here are the choices:

 1. Share real estate on an existing Windows console at the Operator "bridge".
 2. Install a new Windows box (with console) dedicated to communicating with
    the IPM server.
 3. Install a Unix box running X-Windows or AIXWindows to communicate with the
    IPM server.

All but the first option require additional hardware purchases.  By the way,
Peter is planning to purchase a small RS6000 (sans IPM) so that his staff can
play with AIX (why does this sound so familiar?).

Here are the next steps we agreed to:

1.  Jeff will provide Peter with a quote for the hardware costs.
2.  I will provide Peter with guidance about the appropriate hardware to use
    for Operator support.  My recommendation here would be that we borrow
    an existing NT box to determine the suitability of this platform for use
    as an Operations "client".  We don't have to commit to a permanent choice
    right away.
3.  Peter will investigate possible vendors.


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