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Photo ID for voting?

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Julia Steinberger)
Thu Feb 21 21:29:14 2002

Message-Id: <200202220229.VAA18998@buzzword-bingo.mit.edu>
To: peace-list@MIT.EDU, greens-announce@MIT.EDU
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 21:29:03 -0500
From: Julia Steinberger <julias@MIT.EDU>

TO: ACLU Action Network Members
FR: Jared Feuer, Internet Organizer
DT: February 20, 2002

With the Senate poised to finally vote on election reform legislation,
provisions have been included that turn a well-intentioned bill into a
potential source of futher discrimination and inequality.

These new provisions include a photo ID requirment for first time
voters.  Putting this condition on the right to vote would shut out a
disproportionate number of racial and ethnic minority voters, much in
the way that literacy tests and poll taxes did in the past.

This requirement would also have a chilling effect on voter
participation among young people, as most of America's 1.5 million
undergraduates do not have a photo ID that displays a local address.

Take Action!  The right to vote is fundamental, and it must not be
contingent on a person's ability to produce one type of
identification!  You can learn more about this issue and send a FREE
FAX to your Members of Congress from our action alert at:


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