Moira Commits

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[2066]  Garry Zacheiss            [ops/moira] 170320: Handle both user adds and renames; don't allow
[2067]  Garry Zacheiss            [ops/moira] 2dd59e: Tableau DCM.
[2068]  Garry Zacheiss            [ops/moira] 11b68d: Boilerplate script.
[2069]  Garry Zacheiss            [ops/moira] 823fde: Install
[2070]  Garry Zacheiss            [ops/moira] a0e28a: String for UNIQUE_LOGIN has caps in it; special
[2071]  Mark Silis                [ops/moira] 59021f: Update contact_create checking logic and also
[2072]  Garry Zacheiss            [ops/moira] 7d909e: Don't update names for staff / students.
[2073]  Garry Zacheiss            [ops/moira] 5f746a: Change Service Desk phone number.
[2074]  Greg Hudson               [ops/moira] bd0f75: Tighten up checks in mr_cont_receive, and
[2075]  Greg Hudson               [ops/moira] 6800a8: Add a .gignore file.
[2076]  Garry Zacheiss            [ops/moira] ad0716: Remove twofactor_status special case for
[2077]  Garry Zacheiss            [ops/moira] 1033d9: Add password change option field to users table
[2078]  Greg Hudson               [ops/moira] 27ed2c: Add Dropbox incremental.
[2079]  Greg Hudson               [ops/moira] 3f5ebc: Improve handling of conflicting Dropbox groups.
[2080]  Greg Hudson               [ops/moira] 3e6394: Use name-based external ID for Dropbox groups.
[2081]  Garry Zacheiss            [ops/moira] 609504: update to use paths that are more current than
[2082]  Garry Zacheiss            [ops/moira] 508fa0: Add pwd_change_options to incremental arguments
[2083]  Garry Zacheiss            [ops/moira] 4faf8c: Improve performance for large queues.
[2084]  Garry Zacheiss            [ops/moira] a3f8b1: Additional indices for incremental queue table.
[2085]  Garry Zacheiss            [ops/moira] 70f522: Fix user_create case; pwd options aren't included
[2086]  Garry Zacheiss            [ops/moira] 9a183f: Retry on error from KDC in case we collide with a