Moira Commits

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[2045]  Garry Zacheiss            [ops/moira] a71825: Update VERSION
[2046]  zacheiss                  [ops/moira]
[2047]  Garry Zacheiss            [ops/moira] 60232b: fix query version.
[2048]  zacheiss                  [ops/moira]
[2049]  Garry Zacheiss            [ops/moira] 5a8e1d: Fix logic for deciding whether to output an IMAP
[2050]  Garry Zacheiss            [ops/moira] c6ccb3: Allow subnet owner to use set_host_opt with any
[2051]  Garry Zacheiss            [ops/moira] 4d09d6: Only allow query owner to modify host opt once
[2052]  Garry Zacheiss            [ops/moira] 823698: Update usage and documentation to indicates
[2053]  Garry Zacheiss            [ops/moira] 9187e6: Support twofactor_status '2' for bootstrapping
[2054]  Garry Zacheiss            [ops/moira] c3ce37: Include class FACULTY.
[2055]  Garry Zacheiss            [ops/moira] d52b21: Roles incremental and associated goo.
[2056]  Garry Zacheiss            [ops/moira] d89726: Pick up six digit department codes, not just
[2057]  Garry Zacheiss            [ops/moira] 4a6d52: Support updating multiple DBs.
[2058]  Garry Zacheiss            [ops/moira] 344db1: Missing NVL()
[2059]  Garry Zacheiss            [ops/moira] 4cdac1: Update generated Makefiles, regenerate configure.
[2060]  Garry Zacheiss            [ops/moira] d84b75: Add created_date column to insert statement.
[2061]  Garry Zacheiss            [ops/moira] 15f25a: Don't let ordinary users change twofactor_status.
[2062]  Garry Zacheiss            [ops/moira] f007ac: From mark: display name handling.
[2063]  Garry Zacheiss            [ops/moira] 73c08c: Fix public folder issue.
[2064]  Garry Zacheiss            [ops/moira] b7e1e7: O365 changes.
[2065]  Garry Zacheiss            [ops/moira] 3b32b8: No capital letters in usernames.