Moira Commits

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[2149]  Garry Zacheiss            [ops/moira] ee93ac: Flip order of add and delete in cross-site CNAME
[2150]  Garry Zacheiss            [ops/moira] 65e647: Check if aliases key is in search_results dict
[2151]  Garry Zacheiss            [ops/moira] 3ed9d7: Fix memacl case.
[2152]  Garry Zacheiss            [ops/moira] b25fc0: Get rid of exemption for grade20 records entered
[2153]  Garry Zacheiss            [ops/moira] e09818: Changes for support of wildcard DNS and
[2154]  Scott Hall                [ops/moira] 6857cf: debian/ubuntu build instructions
[2155]  Scott Hall                [ops/moira] ec0174: Update
[2156]  Mark V Silis              [ops/moira] b5abed: Implied mailman list support, ID member support
[2157]  aswayze                   [ops/moira] 44df7d: new tables need to be dropped for db refresh
[2158]  aswayze                   [ops/moira] f7f225: correct table names to drop and remove blank like
[2159]  Jonathon Weiss            [ops/moira] adedca: Reserve -forwarding lists
[2160]  Jonathon Weiss            [ops/moira] 516fb9: bump version (to work with numbers we're using
[2161]  Jonathon Weiss            [ops/moira]
[2162]  aswayze                   [ops/moira] 49c5b0: new canvas feed with throttle until loop for ldap
[2163]  aswayze                   [ops/moira] b62663: add throttle check for stellar. update canvas for
[2164]  Jonathon Weiss            [ops/moira] b41bd5: From Mark: create a separate incremental for PACS
[2165]  Jonathon Weiss            [ops/moira] 12cfce: from rperron: add an index on the
[2166]  Jonathon Weiss            [ops/moira] 24a98c: From Mark: fix bug handling credential status for
[2167]  Jonathon Weiss            [ops/moira] be737a: From Mark: bug with STRING/KERBEROS objects being
[2168]  Jonathon Weiss            [ops/moira] cd4cdd: tune restart timeouts for the current millenium
[2169]  Jonathon Weiss            [ops/moira] 47b9c3: From Mark: Update random pin generation