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Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2000 11:18:47 -0400
To: Bil Huxley <huxley@mit.edu>
From: Robert Ferrara <rferrara@mit.edu>
Subject: Re: SAP Data-Archiving Pilot web page
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Good one! Who archives the archivers? You are the first to raise this issue - how long do we keep project documentation - specifically notebooks. 

Up to this point, there has been no known (to me) purging of any of this material, nor is any planned. Right now, your material is in the Delivery locker in Athena, which is backed up and pretty well controlled. So we can say that - for the foreseeable future - the notebooks will be available indefinitely. 

I'm cc'ing Tim McGovern and Matt Brody, who might have an idea or two on how to properly generalize and institutionalize this retention requirement. 

Cheers, Bob 

At 07:54 AM 10/13/2000 -0400, Bil Huxley wrote:
>Hi Bob,
>As discussed last Friday at SAP-Plan, there is concern for the retention of
>the documentation that we've have (and will) publish on the delivery pages
>for the 'SAP Data-Archiving Pilot' project.  I think we can all grin about
>discussing the data-retention and data-archiving of the data-arching
>project notebook ;-)  However, that's what I'm writing about.  If the
>sponsors and SAP-Plan folks are telling us that our documentation needs to
>be 'beefed up' and will need to be available for some time to come, should
>any external auditors decide to review the process and details of what was
>done; what retention and access is provided for delivery notebooks in
>general?  Presumably many projects have such retention needs and nothing
>'special' will need to be done to retain our projects documentation :)
>  Bil

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