Athena Bugs

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[0015]  probe@ATHENA.MIT.EDU      Login xterm
[0016]  steiner@ATHENA.MIT.EDU    key click
[0017]  Henry Mensch              Re: key click 
[0018]  Henry Mensch              Re: Why is /usr/lib/ms empty... 
[0019]  Henry Mensch              Re: 6.0A .login and .cshrc 
[0020]  Henry Mensch              Re: /srvd/servers rtpc v6.0a 
[0021]  Henry Mensch              Re: Protections 
[0022]  John D. Kubiatowicz       Re: Why is /usr/lib/ms empty... 
[0023]  Henry Mensch              Why is /usr/lib/ms empty... 
[0024]  John E Elsbree (Athena... A bug with Macsyma (?)
[0025]  John E Elsbree (Athena... A bug with Scribe
[0026]  John D. Kubiatowicz       vi on vt100s
[0027]  Ron M. Hoffmann           More on <defunct> processes
[0028]  Win Treese                Re: vi on vt100s 
[0029]  Henry Mensch              RT 6.0a: links which point off into space
[0030]  tjcoppet@ATHENA.MIT.EDU   scheme errors
[0031]  John T Kohl               Re: <defunct> processes on athena-po-1
[0032]  shjao@ATHENA.MIT.EDU      A bug with  printer plato             <--(please put the name of the program here)
[0033]  Henry Mensch              Re: A bug with printer plato <--(please put the name of the program here) 
[0034]  Ron M. Hoffmann           ident of PO binaries
[0035]  Robert S. French          Arrgh!  Zeroed files...