[27713] in Athena Bugs

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Debathena: Firefox

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (hejing85@mit.edu)
Thu Feb 18 15:30:30 2016

Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2016 15:30:24 -0500
From: hejing85@mit.edu
Message-Id: <201602182030.u1IKUOjO005309@outgoing.mit.edu>
To: bugs@mit.edu
Errors-To: bugs-bounces@mit.edu

System name:		E51-073-1
Type:			x86_64
Display type:		Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Caicos XT [Radeon HD 7470/8470 / R5 235/310 OEM]

Shell:			/bin/athena/tcsh 
Window manager:		unknown
Desktop session:	ubuntu

1) What were you trying to do?
Trying to access a PDF file on freepatentsonline.com

2) What happened?
Firefox became unresponsive. I closed the window but it wouldn't open back up even after I tried logging out and back in Athena.

3) What should have happened?
The webpage should have loaded with the content.

4) Does this problem happen only on this workstation, or other workstations?
Only this one.

5) If you were following instructions, please include the URL or a
   description of the documentation:
   (e.g. a "problem set for 18.03" or http://ist.mit.edu)

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