[27600] in Athena Bugs

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Debathena: VMware-Player

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (cperera@mit.edu)
Fri Sep 14 07:23:00 2012

Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2012 07:22:55 -0400 (EDT)
From: cperera@mit.edu
Message-Id: <201209141122.q8EBMtId002054@outgoing.mit.edu>
To: bugs@mit.edu
Errors-To: bugs-bounces@mit.edu

System name:		W20-575-74
Type:			x86_64
Display type:		Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Caicos [Radeon HD 7000 Series]

Shell:			/bin/athena/tcsh (?)
Window manager:		unknown

What were you trying to do?
	I was trying to install VMWare Player

What's wrong:
	I could not run the "bundle"; more accurately, I could not use sudo to run the bundle in the shell, but when I ran it without using sudo, it informed me that I needed root access. 
The terminal returned "sh: 0: Can't open ./VMware-Player-5.0.0-812388.x86_64.bundle"

What should have happened:
	Running the bundle is supposed to start up a GUI that is used to complete the install process.

Please describe any relevant documentation references:
Here's what happened:
W20-575-74:~> su
Attention: You are on a Debathena cluster machine. Although you can use
su to become root, your access is restricted to a sandbox (chroot)
created when you logged in. If you install software or change
global settings, they will be reverted when you log out.

If you would like a permanent change to cluster machines, please
report a bug via the "sendbug" command.

Run the command "tellme root" to find the current Athena root password.

root@W20-575-74:/afs/athena.mit.edu/user/c/p/cperera# sh ./VMware-Player-5.0.0-812388.x86_64.bundle 
sh: 0: Can't open ./VMware-Player-5.0.0-812388.x86_64.bundle

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