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Re: Athena 10 and Debathena

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Tim Abbott)
Fri Nov 30 14:15:29 2007

Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 14:15:22 -0500 (EST)
From: Tim Abbott <tabbott@MIT.EDU>
To: Sam Hartman <hartmans@mit.edu>
cc: Greg Hudson <ghudson@mit.edu>, Anders Kaseorg <andersk@mit.edu>,
In-Reply-To: <tslfxynwq41.fsf@mit.edu>
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On Fri, 30 Nov 2007, Sam Hartman wrote:

>>>>>> "Greg" == Greg Hudson <ghudson@MIT.EDU> writes:
>    Greg> Sam suggested that CDBS could probably be amended to make it
>    Greg> easier to maintain source packages without their own
>    Greg> autoconf goo, but that's not going to help us if we are
>    Greg> going to be buildable on Ubuntu releases older than 8.04.
> It seems extensible enough that you could provide a package that
> extended it and that your other packages build depend on.

Indeed, debathena-config-build-common (which all our config packages 
build-depend on) contains a few CDBS rules files that we have written for 
doing various common things to avoid cluttered rules files.  It would be 
feasible to write an additional one for building Athena packages if we 
need to change the CDBS autotools system; and then each rules file would 
only be stuck with a single extra line.

 	-Tim Abbott

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