[14] in athena10

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Re: Version control for Athena 10

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Greg Hudson)
Sun Dec 23 08:56:19 2007

Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2007 08:55:57 -0500
Message-Id: <200712231355.lBNDtvDc021943@equal-rites.mit.edu>
From: Greg Hudson <ghudson@MIT.EDU>
To: Tim Abbott <tabbott@MIT.EDU>
CC: Greg Hudson <ghudson@MIT.EDU>, athena10@MIT.EDU
In-reply-to: <Pine.LNX.4.64L.0712071607430.25874@vinegar-pot.mit.edu>

Apologies for the radio silence for a couple of weeks.  Late December
and early January is our best deployment window for disruptive
updates, so I have been busy working on Athena 9.4 and Openfire stuff.

For the moment, I am going to declare by fiat that we are using
Subversion and stuffing debian subdirs into athena/*/package/debian.

One new reason is that (to the best of my knowledge) git and other
DVCS tools tend to be bad at dealing with projects where you want to
check out a subdir--I believe git is in the process of adding some
kind of support for this for the sake of KDE, but I don't know how
that's going.  Athena 10 is not going to be so massive that you
couldn't just check out the whole thing, but Athena 9.4 is, and our
reference repository is going to carry the weight of past versions of
everything (including all of third, even though most of that won't be
on the trunk after a bit).

The Macathena people may be able to get by with svk or git-svn.  I am
also willing to draw them into the IS&T project after Athena 10 is
out, particularly if IS&T does its own Macathena thing (which I know
Andrew and my boss's boss's boss are both interested in).

Debian/Ubuntu-specific packages and scripts will go under a new
top-level debathena directory (replacing the top-level ubuntu
directory I had conceived of in the project plan).  We can probably
use the existing subdirectory schema (config, debathena, meta, etc.)
minus the athena subdir, and add a new subdir for scripts such as the
ones currently in ~debathena/bin.  More on specifics later.

The repository is at svn+ssh://svn.mit.edu/athena.  Via a post-commit
hook, it mirrors to AFS at /afs/dev.mit.edu/source/svn-repos.
Developers have write access to the AFS mirror (that's necessary for
the post-commit hook to work) but don't commit anything there or I'll
have to do surgery.  I just added andersk and tabbott to
athena-commiters and write:staff; the first will take a while to
propagate to svn.mit.edu.

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