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[John Kohl: Call for papers, Winter 1996 USENIX conference, San Diego]

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Jonathon Weiss)
Tue May 9 22:17:55 1995

To: athena-backup@MIT.EDU
Date: Tue, 09 May 1995 22:17:35 EDT
From: Jonathon Weiss <jweiss@MIT.EDU>

The deadlines here may be a little aggressive for us, but it might be
worth considering.


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Date: Tue, 9 May 1995 13:02:13 -0400
From: John Kohl <jtk@atria.com>
Message-Id: <9505091702.AA11909@banana>
To: sipb-all@MIT.EDU, watchmakers@MIT.EDU, geer@cam.ov.com, jik@cam.ov.com,
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Subject: Call for papers, Winter 1996 USENIX conference, San Diego
X-Us-Snail: Atria Software Inc., 24 Prime Park Way, Natick, MA  01760
Reply-To: jtk@atria.com

I'm on the program committee for the Winter 1996 USENIX Technical
conference, which will be held January 22--26 1996 in San Diego, CA.

If you're doing some interesting work in any UNIX-related topic
(especially if it's in one of the areas below) and have some results
you'd like to report, I ask you to consider submitting a paper for the
consideration of the program committee.

Please pass this along to anybody else you know who might have work they
could submit to the program.

I'd be glad to answer any specific questions you might have.

Thanks for your consideration and time,

== John Kohl
for the program committee


             January 22-26, 1996,  San Diego, CA

The 1996 USENIX Technical Conference Program Committee seeks
original and innovative papers about the applications,
architecture, implementation, and performance of modern
computing systems. As at all USENIX conferences, papers that
analyze problem areas and draw important conclusions from
practical experience are especially welcome. Some  particularly
interesting hot application topics are:

- - Privacy and cryptography
- - Compression applications
- - User interface toolkits
- - Nomadic and wireless computing
- - Networks and distributed computing
- - Security 

A major focus of this conference is operating systems practice
and experience. We seek papers describing original work and
results in the design, implementation, and use of modern
operating systems. Submissions describing extensions or
modifications of complete and widely used operating systems are
particularly encouraged in addition to those describing research
systems or prototypes. Topics of interest in this area include
but are not limited to:

- - OS structure and organization  
- - Performance and optimization   
- - OS support for real time & multimedia
- - OS support for embedded systems
- - OS interaction with HW architecture
- - Microkernel internals, servers, and applications

Note that the USENIX conference, like most conferences and
journals, requires that papers not be submitted simultaneously
to more than one conference or publication, and that submitted
papers not be previously or subsequently published elsewhere.
Papers accompanied by non-disclosure agreement forms are not
acceptable and will be returned to the author(s) unread. All
submissions are held in the highest confidentiality prior to
publication in the Proceedings.

Extended Abstracts or Manuscripts Due: July 18, 1995
Notification to Authors: August 31, 1995 
Camera-ready Papers Due: November 14, 1995

Tutorials: January 22-23, 1996
Technical Sessions: January 24-26, 1996
Birds-of-a-Feather Sessions: January 23-25, 1996
USENIX Reception: January 24, 1996 
Vendor Display: January 24-25, 1996 

Robert Gray, Program Chair	US WEST
Miche Baker-Harvey		Digital Equipment Corporation
David Black			Open Software Foundation
Matt Blaze			AT&T Bell Laboratories
John Kohl			Atria Software, Inc.
Darrell Long			University of California at Santa Cruz
John Ousterhout			Sun Microsystems
Christopher Small		Harvard University
Jonathan Smith			University of Pennsylvania
Carl Staelin			Hewlett-Packard
Brent Welch			Xerox PARC

It is important that you contact the USENIX Association office to
receive detailed  guidelines for submitting a paper to the refereed
track of the technical sessions. Please telephone 510-528-8649,
or send email to:  usenix96authors@usenix.org.

In addition, specific questions about submissions to the USENIX 1996
Technical Conference may be made to the program chair via email at:

The program committee will review full papers or extended abstracts. An
extended  abstract should be five manuscript pages (single-sided) or
fewer in length. It should  represent the paper in short form.  If the
full paper has been completed, it may be submitted instead of an
extended abstract. Full papers should be limited to 12 single-spaced

Include references to establish that you are familiar with related
work, and, where  possible, provide detailed performance data to
establish that you have a working  implementation and measurement

Please send one copy of an extended abstract to the program chair via
one of the following methods. All submissions will be acknowledged.

Preferred Method: email (PostScript or ASCII) to:

Alternate Method - Postal Delivery to:
	Robert Gray
	U S WEST Technologies
	4001 Discovery Drive, Suite 280
	Boulder, CO 80303
	Phone: 303 541 6014  

The authors must also submit via email to usenix96papers@usenix.org the
following information:

	1. The title of the manuscript and the names of the authors.
	2. The name of one author who will serve as a contact, their
	   email address, day and evening phone numbers, postal mail
	   address, and a fax number, if available.
	3. An indication of which, if any, of the authors are full-time
	4. A short abstract of the paper (75-150 words).

Cash prizes will be awarded for the best paper at the conference and
the best paper by a full-time student.



On Monday and Tuesday, you may attend intensive, immediately practical
tutorials on topics essential to the use, development, and
administration of UNIX and UNIX-like operating systems, windowing
systems, networks, advanced programming languages, and related
technologies. The USENIX Association's well-respected program offers
you both introductory and advanced courses, presented by skilled
teachers who are hands-on experts in their topic areas.

USENIX will offer two days of tutorials covering topics such as:
- - System administration
- - Systems and network security
- - Distributed computing: DCE, DFS, RPC, CORBA
- - Kernel internals: SVR4, Chorus, Windows NT
- - Systems programming tools and program development
- - Portability and interoperability
- - Client-server application design and development
- - Sendmail, DNS, and other networking issues
- -GUI technologies and builders

To provide the best possible tutorial slate, USENIX constantly
solicits proposals for new  tutorials. If you are interested in
presenting a tutorial, contact the Tutorial Coordinator:

	Daniel V. Klein
	Phone: 412 421 2332 
	Email: dvk@usenix.org

Mary Baker, Stanford University
Ed Gould, Digital Equipment Corp

An Invited Talks track complements the Refereed Paper track.
These talks by invited experts provide introductory and advanced
information about a variety of interesting  topics, such as using
standard UNIX tools, tackling system administration dificulties,
or employing specialized applications. Submitted Notes from the
Invited Talks are published and distributed free to conference
technical sessions attendees. This track also includes panel
presentations and selections from the best presentations offered
at 1995 USENIX conferences and symposia.

The Invited Talks coordinators welcome suggestions for topics and
request proposals for particular Talks. In your proposal, state
the main focus, include a brief outline, and be sure to emphasize
why your topic is of general interest to our community.  Please
submit via email to: ITusenix@usenix.org.

Do you have interesting work you would like to share, or a cool idea
that is not ready to  be published? Work-in-Progress Reports are for
you! Work-in-Progress Reports, scheduled during the technical sessions,
introduce interesting new or ongoing work. The USENIX audience provides
valuable discussion and feedback. We are particularly interested in
presentation of student work. To schedule your report, contact Peg
Schafer via email at wips@usenix.org.

The always popular Birds-of-a-Feather sessions (BOFs) are very informal
gatherings of  persons interested in a particular topic. BOFs often
feature presentations or demonstrations followed by discussion,
announcements, and the sharing of  strategies. BOFs are offered
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings of the conference. BOFs may
be scheduled at the conference or in advance by telephoning the USENIX
Conference Office at 714 588 8649 or via email to:

In the USENIX Vendor Display, emphasis is on serious answers from
technically savvy vendor representatives. Vendors will demonstrate the
technical innovations which distinguish their products. Here, in a
relaxed environment, conference attendees can ask questions and discuss
how something will work with what they already have. Plus, you can
review the newest releases from technical publishers.

Vendors: This is an exceptional opportunity for receiving feedback from
USENIX's technically astute conference attendees. If your company would
like to display its products and services, please contact: Zanna
Knight. Telephone: 510 528 8649  FAX: 510 548 5738 Email:


Materials containing all details of the technical sessions and tutorial
program, conference registration, hotel and airfare discounts, and
reservation information  will be available at the end of September
1995. If you wish to receive the registration materials, please
	USENIX Conference Office 
	22672 Lambert St., Suite 613 
	Lake Forest, CA USA 92630 
	Phone: 714 588 8649 
	Fax: 714 588 9706  
	Email: conference@usenix.org

The USENIX Association 
Since 1975 the USENIX Association has brought together the community of
engineers, scientists, and technicians working on the cutting edge of
the computing world. The USENIX Technical Conferences and symposia have
become the essential meeting grounds for the presentation and
discussion of the most advanced information on new developments in all
aspects of computing systems.

The USENIX Association and its members are dedicated to:
	- problem-solving with a practical bias,
	- fostering innovation and research that works, 
	- communicating rapidly the results of both research and
	  innovation, and
	- providing a neutral forum for the exercise of critical
          thought and the airing of technical issues.

SAGE, the System Administrators Guild, a Special Technical Group within
the USENIX Association, is dedicated to the recognition and advancement
of system administration as a profession.

For more information about USENIX membership, publications, or
events, please access the USENIX Resource Center on the World
Wide Web.  The URL:   http://www@usenix.org

OR: Send email to our mailserver at: info@usenix.org. Your message
should contain the line: send catalog. A catalog will be returned to

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