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Drought Relief Bill Threatens to Drown Sacred Sites of a Northern

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (t r u t h o u t)
Wed Aug 26 16:48:59 2015

Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2015 16:48:56 -0400 (EDT)
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t r u t h o u t | We are running out of time and still have over $24,000 left to raise by the end of tomorrow. Every dollar you give goes directly towards publishing the news and analysis you expect from us and on which you rely. If you care about Truthout, please take a moment to make a small tax-deductible donation today!


You can also donate by check, made payable to:
Truthout, P.O. Box 276414, Sacramento, CA 95827
(Please include your email address on your check.)

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Drought Relief Bill Threatens to Drown Sacred Sites of a Northern California Tribe
Rucha Chitnis, Truthout: Members of the Winnemem Wintu tribe in California are bracing for one of their biggest environmental justice struggles yet: opposing a $1.3 billion drought relief bill that would raise the height of the Shasta Dam and drown their remaining sacred sites and villages.

Post-Katrina Stress Disorder: Climate Change and Mental Health
G. Maris Jones, Truthout: We cannot ignore how climate change-related disasters impact people's mental health. To adapt to a changing climate, survivors of these catastrophes - especially those in marginalized, low-income communities - need long-term physical and mental health services.

An Unexplored Side of the Greek Financial Crisis: Two Economies, One Currency
Bill Miller, Truthout: In most Western countries, two substantially separate economies exist, yet both are serviced with a single currency, which causes crises. A possible solution begins with acknowledging the institutional and personal economies and then utilizing parallel currencies designed to best meet the needs of each.

The Corporations Funding the Lawyers to Fight the Clean Power Plan
Matthew Kasper, Republic Report: Lawyers from coal-dependent states, led by West Virginia, are challenging President Obama's Clean Power Plan. The coalition suing the Environmental Protection Agency is connected to some of the largest electric utility companies in the United States.

"No Place for a Kid to Go": A Group Home for "At-Risk" Youth Sinks Into Crisis
Joaquin Sapien, ProPublica: Level 14 group homes are meant to provide the most acute and comprehensive care for children whose psychological and behavioral problems have led to repeated treatment failures. However, some of these group homes have been the subject of numerous complaints regarding physical and sexual abuse. 

Co-op Program Keeps Workers in the Neighborhood
Yessenia Funes, YES! Magazine: Nearly half of all worker-owners at Evergreen Cooperatives in Ohio have purchased homes through the organization's home-buyers program. The cooperative accomplishes this by selling formerly foreclosed or boarded-up homes in Cleveland neighborhoods, which keeps worker-owners close to work.

Chile Considers Cannabis Decriminalization, Highlighting Growing Movement in Latin America
Olivia Marple, Council on Hemispheric Affairs: Although allowing the use of marijuana in one country will not solve all of the problems associated with the war on drugs, if Chile does decriminalize the plant, it could advance the movement of Latin American countries and US states taking action to end the status quo.

Protesters Occupy Lignite Coal Mine in Germany
Staff, Corporate Europe Observatory: On August 15, 1,500 protesters entered an open-pit lignite mine owned by energy provider RWE in western Germany. With this massive act of civil disobedience, they successfully blocked four of the mine's five diggers, bringing the destructive machines to a halt for most of the day.

Where's the Republican Outrage Over Saudi Arabia?
Medea Benjamin, Foreign Policy in Focus: For Republican presidential candidates, this primary season is all about vilifying Iran. While they beat up on the White House for making peace with the United States' "enemies," maybe voters should ask them more questions about the United States' "friends," like Saudi Arabia.

What Does the US Gain From the Dollar's Special Role?
Paul Krugman, Krugman & Co.: What are the advantages of owning a reserve currency? While reserve-currency status may be politically symbolic, it's essentially irrelevant as an economic goal - and it's definitely not worth distorting policy to achieve.

David Simon's New Mini-Series Looks at "Hypersegregation" in Public Housing
Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!: TV writer and producer David Simon's latest project, "Show Me a Hero," is an HBO mini-series that looks at what happened in Yonkers, New York, in the 1980s, when the city was faced with a federal court order to build a small number of low-income housing units in the white neighborhoods.


One Planet: Even the Magnificence of the Grand Canyon Can't Escape Toxic Pollution
Mark Karlin, BuzzFlash at Truthout: The breathtaking beauty and wonder of the Grand Canyon connects us spiritually to this planet on which we reside.

Are the Promoters of the Devastating War on Drugs Ready to Surrender?
Read the Article at Socialist Worker

Mark Morford: Everything Is on Fire and No One Cares
Read the Article at SFGate

"Go Back to Univision!": Trump Has Jorge Ramos Thrown Out of Iowa Press Conference
Read the Article at Mediaite

Reporter and Cameraman Shot Dead in Virginia During Live Broadcast
Read the Article at the Guardian US

Elizabeth Warren Won't Say Whether She'll Run for Senate in 2018
Read the Article at Vanity Fair

Can the Republican Party Survive Trump?
Read the Article at The Atlantic

The Illusion of Online Privacy
Read the Article at US News & World Report


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                                                <h1 style="font-size: x-large;color: #454242 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">BuzzFlash</h1>
                                                <p style="margin: 0 0 0.1em 0;font-size: 110%; color: #000000 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><strong>One Planet: Even the Magnificence of the Grand Canyon Can't Escape Toxic Pollution           </strong></p>
                                                <p style="margin: 0;padding: 0;font-size: normal;color: #444 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;line-height: 1.2"><strong>Mark Karlin, BuzzFlash at Truthout: </strong>The breathtaking beauty and wonder of the Grand Canyon connects us spiritually to this planet on which we reside.</p>
                                                <p style="margin: 0 0 0.1em 0;font-size: 90%;color: #454242 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="http://org2.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=1VllCp4O249dQApPdnGeGfAIzfrWl3CP" style="text-decoration: none; color: #910000"><strong>Read the BuzzFlash Commentary</strong></a></p>
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                                                <p style="margin: 0 0 0.1em 0;font-size: 110%; color: #000000 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><strong>Are the Promoters of the Devastating War on Drugs Ready to Surrender?</strong></p>
                                                <p style="margin: 0 0 0.1em 0;font-size: 90%;color: #454242 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="http://org2.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=LoT4BhYgAvMJbRpNSXPs%2FPAIzfrWl3CP" style="text-decoration: none; color: #910000"><strong>Read the Article at Socialist Worker</strong></a></p>
                                                <p style="margin: 0 0 0.1em 0;font-size: 110%; color: #000000 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><strong>Mark Morford: Everything Is on Fire and No One Cares</strong></p>
                                                <p style="margin: 0 0 0.1em 0;font-size: 90%;color: #454242 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="http://org2.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=dtI9jOhAOIa0h8jSP8uoxfAIzfrWl3CP" style="text-decoration: none; color: #910000"><strong>Read the Article at SFGate</strong></a></p>
                                                <p style="margin: 0 0 0.1em 0;font-size: 110%; color: #000000 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><strong>"Go Back to Univision!": Trump Has Jorge Ramos Thrown Out of Iowa Press Conference</strong></p>
                                                <p style="margin: 0 0 0.1em 0;font-size: 90%;color: #454242 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="http://org2.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=5kvRtVesrGkO8w8ufcCsd%2FAIzfrWl3CP" style="text-decoration: none; color: #910000"><strong>Read the Article at Mediaite</strong></a></p>
                                                <p style="margin: 0 0 0.1em 0;font-size: 110%; color: #000000 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><strong>Reporter and Cameraman Shot Dead in Virginia During Live Broadcast</strong></p>
                                                <p style="margin: 0 0 0.1em 0;font-size: 90%;color: #454242 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="http://org2.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=ADdbsPgiFbey0RDmQgVErfAIzfrWl3CP" style="text-decoration: none; color: #910000"><strong>Read the Article at the Guardian US</strong></a></p>
                                                <p style="margin: 0 0 0.1em 0;font-size: 110%; color: #000000 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><strong>Elizabeth Warren Won't Say Whether She'll Run for Senate in 2018</strong></p>
                                                <p style="margin: 0 0 0.1em 0;font-size: 90%;color: #454242 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="http://org2.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=wmqIYbdzXdY2L0gTyx76VPAIzfrWl3CP" style="text-decoration: none; color: #910000"><strong>Read the Article at Vanity Fair</strong></a></p>
                                                <p style="margin: 0 0 0.1em 0;font-size: 110%; color: #000000 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><strong>Can the Republican Party Survive Trump?</strong></p>
                                                <p style="margin: 0 0 0.1em 0;font-size: 90%;color: #454242 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="http://org2.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=wlti%2FZs5WOeLElO4hZHE9PAIzfrWl3CP" style="text-decoration: none; color: #910000"><strong>Read the Article at The Atlantic</strong></a></p>
                                                <p style="margin: 0 0 0.1em 0;font-size: 110%; color: #000000 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><strong>The Illusion of Online Privacy</strong></p>
                                                <p style="margin: 0 0 0.1em 0;font-size: 90%;color: #454242 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="http://org2.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=4hDo%2BMxJl7%2Fbgcu2a4PS9fAIzfrWl3CP" style="text-decoration: none; color: #910000"><strong>Read the Article at US News &amp; World Report</strong></a></p>
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                        <p style="font-size:110%"><b>We are running out of time and still have over $24,000 left to raise by the end of tomorrow.</b> Every dollar you give goes directly towards publishing the news and analysis you expect from us and on which you rely. If you care about Truthout, please take a moment to make a small tax-deductible donation today!</p>
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                        <span style="font-size: 85%;">(Truthout is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. EIN: 20-0031641)</span></p>
                        <p style="font-size:110%"><b>You can also donate by check, made payable to:</b><br />
                        Truthout, P.O. Box 276414, Sacramento, CA 95827<br />
                        (Please include your email address on your check.)</p>
                        <p style="font-size: 110%"><b>Or call in your donation:</b><br />
                        <p style="margin: 0 0 0.2em;font-size: 110%;color: #454242 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="http://org2.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=R6%2F5LgAXFrGieoZNveKKfPAIzfrWl3CP" style="text-decoration: none; color: #570000"><strong>Drought Relief Bill Threatens to Drown Sacred Sites of a Northern California Tribe</strong></a></p>
                        <p style="margin: 0;padding: 0;font-size: 100%;color: #444 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;line-height: 1.1"><strong>Rucha Chitnis, Truthout:</strong>&#160;Members of the Winnemem Wintu tribe in California are bracing for one of their biggest environmental justice struggles yet: opposing a $1.3 billion drought relief bill that would raise the height of the Shasta Dam and drown their remaining sacred sites and villages.</p>
                        <p style="margin: .2em 0 1em 2em;font-size: 90%;color: #454242 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="http://org2.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=U1vu9bhVNXvdm9RtgThRLPAIzfrWl3CP" style="text-decoration: none; color: #910000"><strong>Read the Article</strong></a>&#160;</p>
                        <p style="margin: 0 0 0.2em;font-size: 110%;color: #454242 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="http://org2.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=4oYVQZPhzHv%2F7JmtD1YZa%2FAIzfrWl3CP" style="text-decoration: none; color: #570000"><strong>Post-Katrina Stress Disorder: Climate Change and Mental Health</strong></a></p>
                        <p style="margin: 0;padding: 0;font-size: 100%;color: #444 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;line-height: 1.1"><strong>G. Maris Jones, Truthout:</strong>&#160;We cannot ignore how climate change-related disasters impact people's mental health. To adapt to a changing climate, survivors of these catastrophes - especially those in marginalized, low-income communities - need long-term physical and mental health services.</p>
                        <p style="margin: .2em 0 1em 2em;font-size: 90%;color: #454242 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="http://org2.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=L2ZW04nDgNN6GH71OAYmdPAIzfrWl3CP" style="text-decoration: none; color: #910000"><strong>Read the Article</strong></a>&#160;</p>
                        <p style="margin: 0 0 0.2em;font-size: 110%;color: #454242 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="http://org2.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=Z4zsrE5INZsZcrnffSgGcvAIzfrWl3CP" style="text-decoration: none; color: #570000"><strong>An Unexplored Side of the Greek Financial Crisis: Two Economies, One Currency</strong></a></p>
                        <p style="margin: 0;padding: 0;font-size: 100%;color: #444 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;line-height: 1.1"><strong>Bill Miller, Truthout:</strong>&#160;In most Western countries, two substantially separate economies exist, yet both are serviced with a single currency, which causes crises. A possible solution begins with acknowledging the institutional and personal economies and then utilizing parallel currencies designed to best meet the needs of each.</p>
                        <p style="margin: .2em 0 1em 2em;font-size: 90%;color: #454242 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="http://org2.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=MNUw358Mzm8iwCUstwnFmvAIzfrWl3CP" style="text-decoration: none; color: #910000"><strong>Read the Article</strong></a>&#160;</p>
                        <p style="margin: 0 0 0.2em;font-size: 110%;color: #454242 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="http://org2.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=7QTyaLf7ZNZeONh7Aq7EUPAIzfrWl3CP" style="text-decoration: none; color: #570000"><strong>The Corporations Funding the Lawyers to Fight the Clean Power Plan</strong></a></p>
                        <p style="margin: 0;padding: 0;font-size: 100%;color: #444 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;line-height: 1.1"><strong>Matthew Kasper, Republic Report:</strong>&#160;Lawyers from coal-dependent states, led by West Virginia, are challenging President Obama's Clean Power Plan. The coalition suing the Environmental Protection Agency is connected to some of the largest electric utility companies in the United States.</p>
                        <p style="margin: .2em 0 1em 2em;font-size: 90%;color: #454242 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="http://org2.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=F31TpPAoTeppN%2FukpT1%2FAfAIzfrWl3CP" style="text-decoration: none; color: #910000"><strong>Read the Article</strong></a>&#160;</p>
                        <p style="margin: 0 0 0.2em;font-size: 110%;color: #454242 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="http://org2.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=%2FA0Li2E4OqnpRTWKNsackvAIzfrWl3CP" style="text-decoration: none; color: #570000"><strong>"No Place for a Kid to Go": A Group Home for "At-Risk" Youth Sinks Into Crisis</strong></a></p>
                        <p style="margin: 0;padding: 0;font-size: 100%;color: #444 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;line-height: 1.1"><strong>Joaquin Sapien, ProPublica:</strong>&#160;Level 14 group homes are meant to provide the most acute and comprehensive care for children whose psychological and behavioral problems have led to repeated treatment failures. However, some of these group homes have been the subject of numerous complaints regarding physical and sexual abuse.</p>
                        <p style="margin: .2em 0 1em 2em;font-size: 90%;color: #454242 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="http://org2.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=6LAg%2F4sVZQnewJEpPO0icPAIzfrWl3CP" style="text-decoration: none; color: #910000"><strong>Read the Article</strong></a>&#160;</p>
                        <p style="margin: 0 0 0.2em;font-size: 110%;color: #454242 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="http://org2.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=Q56%2BbQp7gmYaZTF79qKXqTP8Qkl2casv" style="text-decoration: none; color: #570000"><strong>Co-op Program Keeps Workers in the Neighborhood</strong></a></p>
                        <p style="margin: 0;padding: 0;font-size: 100%;color: #444 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;line-height: 1.1"><strong>Yessenia Funes, YES! Magazine:</strong>&#160;Nearly half of all worker-owners at Evergreen Cooperatives in Ohio have purchased homes through the organization's home-buyers program. The cooperative accomplishes this by selling formerly foreclosed or boarded-up homes in Cleveland neighborhoods, which keeps worker-owners close to work.</p>
                        <p style="margin: .2em 0 1em 2em;font-size: 90%;color: #454242 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="http://org2.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=SAulQhzAvovabDxPMht2EPAIzfrWl3CP" style="text-decoration: none; color: #910000"><strong>Read the Article</strong></a>&#160;</p>
                        <p style="margin: 0 0 0.2em;font-size: 110%;color: #454242 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="http://org2.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=LIBaTjYfcHNz9NhQLkXgWfAIzfrWl3CP" style="text-decoration: none; color: #570000"><strong>Chile Considers Cannabis Decriminalization, Highlighting Growing Movement in Latin America</strong></a></p>
                        <p style="margin: 0;padding: 0;font-size: 100%;color: #444 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;line-height: 1.1"><strong>Olivia Marple, Council on Hemispheric Affairs:</strong>&#160;Although allowing the use of marijuana in one country will not solve all of the problems associated with the war on drugs, if Chile does decriminalize the plant, it could advance the movement of Latin American countries and US states taking action to end the status quo.</p>
                        <p style="margin: .2em 0 1em 2em;font-size: 90%;color: #454242 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="http://org2.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=a2Cwb0nraidvO1J0t2%2FsVPAIzfrWl3CP" style="text-decoration: none; color: #910000"><strong>Read the Article</strong></a>&#160;</p>
                        <p style="margin: 0 0 0.2em;font-size: 110%;color: #454242 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="http://org2.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=xKA5TwaSvLCuku7lsxl3RfAIzfrWl3CP" style="text-decoration: none; color: #570000"><strong>Protesters Occupy Lignite Coal Mine in Germany</strong></a></p>
                        <p style="margin: 0;padding: 0;font-size: 100%;color: #444 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;line-height: 1.1"><strong>Staff, Corporate Europe Observatory:</strong>&#160;On August 15, 1,500 protesters entered an open-pit lignite mine owned by energy provider RWE in western Germany. With this massive act of civil disobedience, they successfully blocked four of the mine's five diggers, bringing the destructive machines to a halt for most of the day.</p>
                        <p style="margin: .2em 0 1em 2em;font-size: 90%;color: #454242 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="http://org2.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=uyzVT4L0NDx91zLfoRDdyfAIzfrWl3CP" style="text-decoration: none; color: #910000"><strong>Read the Article</strong></a>&#160;</p>
                        <p style="margin: 0 0 0.2em;font-size: 110%;color: #454242 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="http://org2.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=fGaYtwZOsaAOWxVU1w1FzTP8Qkl2casv" style="text-decoration: none; color: #570000"><strong>Where's the Republican Outrage Over Saudi Arabia?</strong></a></p>
                        <p style="margin: 0;padding: 0;font-size: 100%;color: #444 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;line-height: 1.1"><strong>Medea Benjamin, Foreign Policy in Focus:</strong>&#160;For Republican presidential candidates, this primary season is all about vilifying Iran. While they beat up on the White House for making peace with the United States' "enemies," maybe voters should ask them more questions about the United States' "friends," like Saudi Arabia.</p>
                        <p style="margin: .2em 0 1em 2em;font-size: 90%;color: #454242 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="http://org2.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=X6Jq2Z2KiSI1JWq1zLL0i%2FAIzfrWl3CP" style="text-decoration: none; color: #910000"><strong>Read the Article</strong></a>&#160;</p>
                        <p style="margin: 0 0 0.2em;font-size: 110%;color: #454242 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="http://org2.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=yXECB0AZucUqYkCALGnks%2FAIzfrWl3CP" style="text-decoration: none; color: #570000"><strong>What Does the US Gain From the Dollar's Special Role?</strong></a></p>
                        <p style="margin: 0;padding: 0;font-size: 100%;color: #444 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;line-height: 1.1"><strong>Paul Krugman, Krugman &amp; Co.:</strong>&#160;What are the advantages of owning a reserve currency? While reserve-currency status may be politically symbolic, it's essentially irrelevant as an economic goal - and it's definitely not worth distorting policy to achieve.</p>
                        <p style="margin: .2em 0 1em 2em;font-size: 90%;color: #454242 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="http://org2.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=LbTK%2F0iCsCkzlZqSO7QEh%2FAIzfrWl3CP" style="text-decoration: none; color: #910000"><strong>Read the Article</strong></a>&#160;</p>
                        <p style="margin: 0 0 0.2em;font-size: 110%;color: #454242 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="http://org2.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=Gw41JbNitw7mSnHvjT4ayvAIzfrWl3CP" style="text-decoration: none; color: #570000"><strong>David Simon's New Mini-Series Looks at "Hypersegregation" in Public Housing</strong></a></p>
                        <p style="margin: 0;padding: 0;font-size: 100%;color: #444 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;line-height: 1.1"><strong>Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!:</strong>&#160;TV writer and producer David Simon's latest project, "Show Me a Hero," is an HBO mini-series that looks at what happened in Yonkers, New York, in the 1980s, when the city was faced with a federal court order to build a small number of low-income housing units in the white neighborhoods.</p>
                        <p style="margin: .2em 0 1em 2em;font-size: 90%;color: #454242 !important;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="http://org2.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=m9%2Bshq8asolUjGKab2agdfAIzfrWl3CP" style="text-decoration: none; color: #910000"><strong>Watch the Video and Read the Transcript</strong></a>&#160;</p>
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