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The Way to Break Into the DOD Services Market

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Fedmarket)
Wed Apr 29 15:33:11 2015

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Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2015 10:58:48 -0700
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													<p>Fedmarket's <a href="http://www.fedmarket.com/l/proposals/proposal_tools/rs3_model_proposal/?cid=1430330134-21301_36859&utm_source=fmk_opens&utm_medium=email&utm_term=Generic+Proposals Ad&utm_campaign=1430330134-21301_36859&email=bug-zephyr@mit.edu">RS3 Model Proposal</a> will enable you reduce proposal writing costs dramatically and relieve the stress of meeting the RFP due date.
</p><p>The US Army has released the $37.4 billion Responsive Strategic Sourcing for Services (RS3) IDIQ contract.  The due date is May 6, 2015, and awards are planned for late July, 2015. 

</p><p>Roughly 30 large businesses and 20 small businesses will receive awards.  
</p><p>Fedmarket's <a href="http://www.fedmarket.com/l/proposals/proposal_tools/rs3_model_proposal/?cid=1430330134-21301_36859&utm_source=fmk_opens&utm_medium=email&utm_term=Generic+Proposals Ad&utm_campaign=1430330134-21301_36859&email=bug-zephyr@mit.edu">RS3 Model Proposal</a>, provided in Microsoft Word format, is designed to be refined and modified by companies submitting a proposal in response to the US Army solicitation. Customers using the product may add company-specific information to the model proposal. Once a user has refined or modified the model text, you will have a completed proposal that is both compliant with the RS3 RFP and within the page limits specified in the solicitation. <font color="660000"><b><br></b></font></p><p><font color="660000"><b>Contact a Fedmarket sales representative to view the template; call 888-661-4094, Ext. 2. 
</b></font></p><p><b>Vendors providing the following should review the RFP:
</b>Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance tasks
<br>And services related to Engineering; Research, Development, Test and Evaluation; Logistics; Acquisition and Strategic Planning; and Education and Training</p>
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