[181436] in Zephyr_Bugs

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Thu Sep 19 09:02:28 2013

Message-Id: <a0aa4c$eujq9v@smtp3.unam.mx>
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To: Recipients <wu-payout@servidor.unam.mx>
From: "WU" <wu-payout@servidor.unam.mx>
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 20:17:53 -0700
Reply-To: wumt.serve@kimo.com
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1440 Broadway,
New York, NY,
United States.

Case File Number: 03-CV-910A/NY/WU13
Authorization Code: (32b1M/58UN6)

Date of Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 (EDT).
Local Time: 05:45 PM

Attention: Beneficiary,


 This is to apprise you that, the sum of $1.9m USD was paid out to us by the United Nations in conjunction with Microsoft, with an attached Authorization Code as: (32b1M/58UN6).
They have successfully deposited this sum with us here at Western Union New York, NY.

Furthermore, you are to receive $10,000.00 USD by an installment process for a period of 190 days, to make a completion of the total sum.
[ i.e, $10,000.00 USD X 190 = $1,900,000.00 USD ].

E-mail Mr. John David Thompson on: [wu.serve@kimo.com] with the under-listed required information, to re-confirm your details in our data base system and to start up all processes at ones;
*Name in full *Address *Sex *Age *Tel/Fax & *Country.

Customer Services:

    Service Line: +1 (347) 709-2904
    Lines are open 8am-6pm Monday to Saturday (Strictly New York, NY Time).

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