[5] in libertarians

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Call or Write

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Vernon Imrich)
Tue Jun 21 14:08:17 1994

Date: Tue, 21 Jun 94 14:02:46 -0400
From: vimrich@flying-cloud.mit.edu (Vernon Imrich)
To: libertarians@MIT.EDU

The crime bill goes to conference committee soon.  Ted Kennedy is one
of the Senators involved in the process.  We need to call or write
his office to encourage the following two things are included in the
crime bill that goes to the President:

 Specifically, I ask that you take the following positions during your
conference committee negotiations:"

 THREE STRIKES AND YOU'RE OUT:  "Do not count non-violent drug offenses as
strikes.  Including drug offenses as strikes will overcrowd the prisons,
which will cause violent criminals with one or two strikes to be let out

 SAFETY VALVE:  "Support the House version of the mandatory minimum 'safety
valve.'  Non-violent drug offenders with little or no criminal history should
not be serving 5- or 10-year mandatory minimum sentences.  Because there are
thousands of low-level, non-violent drug offenders already in federal
prisons, I would like to stress that the safety valve should be applied


  Tel # (202) Fax # (202)

1. Sen. Joseph Biden (D - Delaware) 224-5042 224-0139
2. Sen. Patrick Leahy (D - Vermont) 224-4242 224-3595
3. Sen. Howard Metzenbaum (D - Ohio) 224-2315 224-6519
4. Sen. Ted Kennedy (D - Massachusetts) 224-4543 224-2417

Note: A conference committee is a joint committee of both houses that
      meets to negotiate differences between House and Senate versions
      of the same bill.  It is one of the last steps in the process
      so please act now.  I'll post Kennedy's address and local info
      shortly (so you won't necessarily have to call Washington).

Anyone who wants to see the whole announcement (WHAT, you don't 
TRUST ME?!!) can e-mail me.  If there is wide interest, I'll post
the whole thing.


P.S. I don't always post these "calls for action" 'cause I try to
	weed out the less important ones.  This one seems winnable
	and a high priority use of your limited time.

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